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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4063

They walked on the gray path in utter darkness for a long time.

Finally, a glimmer of light appeared in front of them.

Amidst the empty space, there was a huge altar floating in the nothingness.

"Climb onto it,"

the beast instructed Austin and the twelve zodiac animals as it stepped onto the altar.

Austin and the zodiac animals followed suit and stepped onto the altar as well.

The moment all of them were standing on the altar, it trembled.

With great force, a space passage appeared and teleported everyone on the altar away.

When the space passage spat everyone out and vanished into thin air, Austin gasped.

There was a shocking scene in front of him.

They were in a boundless void that was densely packed with broken worlds, continents, universes, and stars. Fragments of all these things were floating around aimlessly, littering the void like dust particles. And yet, all the colors and shapes looked oddly beautiful together, like a masterpiece. The sight took Austin's breath away.

Staring into the distance, he tried to perceive what was out there with his spiritual sense.

No matter how far he looked with his spiritual sense, he was met with the same sight.

Standing in the middle of these numerous broken worlds, continents, universes, and stars, Austin suddenly felt very insignificant, like a grain of sand on the beach.

"This is the Absolute Space Sea!"

the twelve zodiac animals said excitedly at the same time.

It seemed that they knew what this place was.

"That's right.

This is the Absolute Space Sea.

It's the final home of all the chaotic spaces, universe communities, worlds, universes, continents, and stars,"

the beast explained with a nod.

"Recently, there has been a powerful spiritual sense perceiving the Sea of Chaos from here.

That's what caused the disturbance.

We suspect that there's a powerful creature that is interested in the Sea of Chaos,"

the beast continued.

Upon hearing this, the twelve zodiac animals shuddered involuntarily and their faces paled.

They seemed to grasp the gravity of the situation right away.

"Are you serious?" they asked in unison.


It seems that the Sea of Chaos is being targeted,"

the beast confirmed with a solemn expression.

"Let's go, Austin.

We shouldn't stay here any longer,"

the twelve zodiac animals immediately told Austin in a panicked tone.


Although Austin was brimming with questions, he agreed right away after seeing the frightened state that the zodiac animals were in. Above all, he trusted their instincts. If the zodiac animals thought that this was a dangerous place to stay in, they must be right.

"Let's go back.

The Absolute Space Sea is too dangerous for you,"

the beast remarked.

Then, it stretched out its claws and drew a circle in the air, causing an altar to materialize in front of them.

Once they all stepped onto the altar, they were once again teleported through a space passage back to where they came from.

More than ten days had passed by the time they returned to the palace.

The moment they set their feet back on solid ground, they all felt safer.

When they walked out of the palace gates, they found the other beast still standing guard there.

"Thank you, sir."

Austin bowed to the beast respectfully.

Then, he straightened up and looked at it with a curious gaze. "By the way, how are my nine friends doing?"

He wanted to know where the gnome and the Eight Stone Saints were.

"They are fine.

They have been cultivating all these years.

I don't want you to disturb them.

However, I can show them to you."

As soon as the beast finished speaking, a window into an enormous universe bursting with energy was slowly projected in the space in front of it.

Through that window, Austin could see the gnome and the Eight Stone Saints.

A few of them were cultivating in seclusion, a few others were practicing secret techniques, and the rest were battling powerful beasts. However, they all had one thing in common.

"They are all genuine divine gods!"

Austin said, extremely pleased by this discovery. He could sense an overpowering amount of strength from the gnome and the Eight Stone Saints.


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