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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4083

As soon as he had finished speaking,

Ronnie opened his hand and dozens of Space Rings appeared. Closing his eyes, he used his mind to remove all their contents.

The number of resources and treasures was immense. They transformed into rivers and floated in the void, circling around Ronnie and emitting an astonishing aura of energy.

He opened his mouth as wide as he could and devoured all the resources and treasures, absorbing them into his body.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

His skin became a bit brighter as the energy inside began to rush and boil.


Now I can overpower you!"

Ronnie turned into a beam of light and dashed towards one of the giant eggs.

When he reached it, powerful law ripples spread on its shell and wove into a net of law, trying to stop Ronnie.

Quickly, Ronnie used his mind to release countless white bugs. They flew onto the net and began chewing on it.

A black machete appeared, long and gleaming in his hand, and he used it to continuously slash at the net of law.

"Don't resist. It's useless.

The only thing that can scare me off is an adult chaotic sky-devouring beast,

but the chance of that is slim since you're just an egg. You can't resist me!"

Ronnie exclaimed, bending over as laughter rocked his body.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Billowing black fog was continuously released from his body,

in which there were black runes floating.

The black runes that were attached to the net of law on the surface of the giant egg began to corrode, making sizzling sounds.

A few days later,

the net of law on the surface of the giant egg became riddled with holes and fell away.

With a chuckle of triumph, Ronnie rushed into the giant egg.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Immediately, a fight broke out inside of the giant egg.

"Stop resisting.

Just let me take your body."

Ronnie's ferocious laughter could be heard from inside the egg.

A few days later,

all sounds inside the giant egg had finally ceased.

Time was

passing quickly.

One day,

in the headquarters of the Flame Holy Land in the Fallen Immortal Cosmos of the three thousand big and small universes, Austin was found pacing and running his fingers through his dark hair.

"What's going on? Why haven't Caroline and the others come back yet?"

Austin asked a dozen genuine divine gods that stood in front of him.

"Master, we have searched almost all of the Sea of Chaos,

but we haven't found them,"

a genuine premium-grade divine god answered.

Austin had ordered the forces of the alliance to return to the three thousand big and small universes, and he had also sent all the genuine divine gods under his command to look for Caroline, Winnie, Isis, Violet, the mermaid race girls, Peacock Princess, Stacy, the Flame Emperor, and the others.

By this time, only the Flame Emperor, Peacock Princess, Violet, Isis, Winnie, and some others had returned to the Fallen Immortal Cosmos safely.

Caroline, the three mermaid race girls, and Stacy, however, had not yet been found.

Austin started to pace faster, pulling on the ends of his hair.

He had sent out all the genuine divine god slaves to look for them,

but they were unsuccessful.

"Continue to look for them!

You must find them!"

Austin commanded frantically.

"Yes, master!"

After receiving the order, the slaves turned around, left the Fallen Immortal Cosmos, and began searching once more.

"Violet, Caroline went to the Ice Palace with you from the three thousand big and small universes, and then she set off from the Ice Palace to travel across the Sea of Chaos.

Do you know where Caroline was heading?"

Austin sent a message to Violet.

Since Caroline and the three mermaid race girls had been with Violet when they had left, maybe she could give Austin some hints regarding their whereabouts.

"Master, after I left the Ice Palace with Caroline and the three mermaids, we wandered together for a while.


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