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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4089

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

To his surprise, more than a dozen green, ferocious-looking ghosts pounced on Austin's avatar at the same time.

Behind them, huge hideous worlds appeared. They looked gloomy and exuded cold auras.

The ghosts extended their claw-like hands, which flashed cold light into Austin's eyes, momentarily blinding him. Their hands kept enlarging until they were able to tear the void apart as easily as cutting tofu.

There was no denying that these ghosts were more powerful than ordinary cultivators at their level.

In addition to their power, they had extremely hard bodies. Even if they were hit, the damage to their physical bodies would be very limited.

Austin felt a wave of concern wash over him. Even if all the genuine premium-grade divine gods that were outside rushed in and attacked these ghosts together, they still might not win.

Without delay, Austin focused his mind and teleported Violet, Caroline, and the three mermaid girls into the continent in his body.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Austin closed his eyes and used the Mind Sword Skill. The sword darted out and slashed at the green, ferocious-looking ghosts. However, the sound of metal colliding resulted.

'The Dark Moon Valley is full of mysteries. This is going to give me a hard time,'

Austin thought to himself.

His avatar was only equivalent to that of a genuine premium-grade divine god, so it would be more difficult for it to defeat these powerful ghosts.

And Austin knew that there was a more powerful creature hiding in the depths of the Dark Moon Valley, waiting to attack him.

However, to Austin's relief, his avatar had clearly sensed that Austin, its real body, was on his way here.

Once Austin arrived, he would have full control of the situation again.

Therefore, the only thing Austin's avatar needed to do was stall.

More than a dozen green, ferocious-looking ghosts approached Austin's avatar one after another.

Without hesitation, Austin sent more attacks their way.


Numerous golden mountains rose from the ground one after another and circled around Austin's avatar to form a strong array.

Countless earth dragons crawled from the ground and rushed madly at the cluster of green, ferocious-looking ghosts.

The battle continued on but it seemed that neither side would win or lose.

The sounds of the attacks made the entire Dark Moon Valley shake. Endless energy waves rushed and collided with each other.


You damned human brat! You need to stop! I will kill you!"

Suddenly, a cold voice was heard.

As soon as the voice had finished speaking, a terrible energy pressure came out of nowhere.

It all happened so fast that Austin didn't know what was going on. The space was full of terrifying dark law power which were so dense that they blocked the sun from shedding light. Everything was pitch black.

Rolling, black fog rose and crawled into the air. In the thick fog, a huge black shadow slowly emerged.

Suddenly, the space turned freezing cold. If one were to stand still for too long, they would turn into ice.

"Hey, you old guy, you finally showed up!"

Austin taunted, glaring at the black shadow.

"Brat, how dare you break in and cause trouble?"

The black shadow looked both angry and surprised. Apparently, he had thought he could sneak up on Austin.

"Old man, you need to be punished. Why did you set up this dangerous place? You designed it to kill the creatures that broke in and refine their spiritual souls into ghost aura, right?

You must have killed numerous creatures over the years!

Let me guess. You use the Ghost Gathering Land to help improve your cultivation, right?"

Austin rolled his eyes.

"You know the Ghost Gathering Land?!

Are you an Earth Master?"

the black shadow asked, feeling like he was about to be cornered.

The Ghost Gathering Land was a geomancy array that was passed down from ancient times and was known to be very dangerous.

Very few creatures knew about the existence of this array.

"Ha! The Ghost Gathering Land is nothing in my eyes. All its mysteries are shit.

Today, I will destroy this damned place and kill you. It will only look good for me to execute a murderous monster in the Sea of Chaos!"

Austin threatened in a cold voice.

"Brat, do you think you can do that on you own?

You are a fool!

I will capture you and refine you into an ugly ghost slave. Then you will serve me for the rest of your lifetime!"

Enraged, the black shadow clenched its fists and yelled.



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