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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 409

In the battle ring.

"That's impossible!"

Owen thundered in a mighty voice that drowned out all other speech. He was unwilling to believe what had just happened. The Great Vajra Palm, aided by two different kinds of elixirs, had exploded with a bang. Lively flames shrouded by wreaths of dark, red smoke shot out from the explosion and leaped around in the battle ring like dancing spirits.


Could it be true that the smoke and flames from the explosion have revealed the full potency of the Savage and Devil Power Elixir, as well as the Heaven and Earth Burning Elixir?

It appears that both kinds of elixirs have a masculine energy.

These are a great tonic to me.'

Overjoyed, a bright light ball shot forth from Austin's elixir field, motivated by his very thought.

Greedily, the light ball began to devour all of the smoke which permeated the air as well as the flames which were scattered upon the battle ring. In less than one minute, the battle ring was cleared of smog and became sunny again, as if nothing had happened!


It feels like the light ball of my elixir field is growing bigger with the increased boost of all the elixirs I have just devoured. Is my vital energy realm making its way to the next level?

Could it be?

Is it a sign of a looming breakthrough to the Mysterious Realm?'

Austin thought with a gasp. Only a few cultivators were capable of reaching the Mysterious Realm from the Earth Realm, even after a whole life's cultivation. Even in the realm of the Violet Orchid Empire, only a few dozen cultivators had reached the Mysterious Realm, while Earth Realm cultivators were too numerous to count.

'A Mysterious Realm cultivator would certainly make for a one man powerhouse in the Violet Orchid Empire.

Such great potency from Owen's elixirs! This is really quite beyond my expectation.' Austin's heart was singing.

"Ha ha ha, now it's my turn to counterattack. Hope that you've enjoyed your attack!" He burst out into laughter.

Glaring at Owen's pale face and terribly scared eyes, Austin could only feel his own heart throb with a great happiness.

Austin launched his Wind-commanding Skill. And in the blinking of eye he hovered in front of Owen, ready to launch his attack. Only a shadow remained in the spot where he had launched from.

This was the last thing that Owen would have expected: his trump skill, which he had spent a dozen years on, was being outfoxed by Austin in a second!

Moreover, like a bandit, Austin had absorbed all the potency embodied in Owen's elixirs!

Again and again! Owen could hardly believe that the elixirs which he had spent many years' hard work on were being ruined in a moment!

It had taken a dozen years for him to successfully refine those invaluable elixirs. Thinking of this, he suffered a deep despair, which only a good cry could relieve him of. Raising his head slowly, he looked back at Austin with fear and terror.

"My fifth elixir.

The Muscle and Bone Strengthening Pill!

Shield up!"

The pills formed a dense defensive shield around Owen, trying to block Austin's attack.

Bang. Austin didn't restrain his awesome strength at all, but indulged himself in a fierce attack on Owen's defensive cloak.

One punch, two punches, three punches. .

Ten punches, twenty punches, thirty punches. .

One hundred punches, one hundred and one punches. .

Like a machine, Austin's fists knew no limits and he showed no sign of fatigue.

After dozens of punches had struck the terrified Owen, he attempted to flee the battle ring like a frightened rabbit. He was helpless before the mighty Austin, who, like an elemental forest fire, was ready to destroy all in his path.

Austin's fists powered by the Wind-commanding Skill came after Owen like a shadow following its body. The prodigious blows all found their mark and not even one punch missed.

Owen kept on fleeing helter-skelter with Austin chasing closely behind! The audience could only see two shadows come and go in the battle ring, such was the speed of the ferocious assault!

"A one-sided fight!

Isn't it?


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