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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4139

To better disguise himself, Austin employed the Secret Reincarnation Skill to combine the law of reincarnation, law of time, and law of space.

Now, only governing gods might be able to sense his existence.

He hid his aura, carefully walked through the people of the four major forces, and finally distanced himself from the Divine Sword Mountain.

"Something's wrong.

Report back to the superior immediately!"

More than a dozen semi-governing gods had gathered at the foot of the Divine Sword Mountain to exchange opinions and search for the intruder.

"Only a moment ago, I saw a sword servant up there.

If he was there, that means that there must be someone entering the Divine Sword Mountain,

but this person must be too powerful to be perceived by us with our current strength,"

one of the semi-governing gods said.

"That's right.

Just now, I felt the sword aura of the Divine Sword Mountain surging and saw it shaking the air.

Someone must be up there,"

another semi-governing god added.

"A terrible existence that we can't perceive has broken into the Divine Sword Mountain.

Could it be that... the people of the Blade Cosmos are up there?

Oh my! We can't just ignore this,"

a semi-governing god guessed as panic shrouded his face.

"Let's go up the mountain and check,"

a semi-governing god suggested.

Without any further discussion, they all started climbing the Divine Sword Mountain.

They were all masters of swordsmanship,

and they were born and raised here,

so the Divine Sword Mountain would not release sword pressure towards them.

Although these semi-governing gods were weaker than Austin,

they could easily climb the Divine Sword Mountain.

However, they spent time searching every inch of the mountain and came up empty-handed.

"We really have to report this to the superior!"

The semi-governing gods from the four major forces all reported it to their leaders immediately.

By this time,

Austin was already far away from the Divine Sword Mountain.

'So the main reason why I couldn't reach the mountain top is that the sword servant thought my swordsmanship was defective.

In retrospect, what he said is right.

I have been practicing with the swords only for quick success.

I'm too impatient, and my skills are too showy.

My heart of practicing sword is not developed enough.

Even though I am strong,

in the eyes of that sword servant, being aggressive and sharp is not real meaning of swordsmanship.'

Thinking over what the sword servant said on the Divine Sword Mountain, Austin realized he had a lot to fix before he could try again.

'It seems that if I want to climb up the Divine Sword Mountain, I have to correct my shortcomings in swordsmanship in order to gain the approval of that sword servant,'

Austin thought to himself.

'I don't have much time.

Three months is all I have.

Then Ronnie will return to the Sea of Chaos and I have to get back.

Is it possible for me to update my swordsmanship in just three months?'

Austin frowned.

"What should I do?

Shall I cultivate my swordsmanship in seclusion?"

Austin asked himself.

In a remote corner of the Divine Sword World,

Austin sat cross-legged, thinking about the next step,

but he kept coming up short of ideas.

Feeling lost, he summoned the eight slaves he had just captured in the Sword Cosmos.


The eight men bowed obediently to Austin.

"Is there any place or method in the Sword Cosmos that can improve the heart of swordsmanship?"

Austin asked them.

"Improve the heart of swordsmanship?"

None of them appeared to know what he was referring to.


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