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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4147

The expressions on the faces of the four governing gods were profoundly grave as they talked about Master Sword.

In the ancient times, Master Sword was the supreme ruler of the Sword Cosmos and had reigned over it for a long time.

He was superior to all beings in the Sword Cosmos, and was the only name that mattered in his time. It was no exaggeration to say that he was the most powerful warrior across this cosmos, and had the strongest cultivation base. No one could be considered a match for him.

This opinion still prevailed in the Sword Cosmos. In fact, his rule had left an impression that went deeper than just his legacy.

It was widely acknowledged that if it weren't for Master Sword's sudden disappearance, the Sword Cosmos would still be under his rule even to this day!

However, after his disappearance, the dynamics had shifted, and now, the Sword Cosmos was controlled by four major forces.

They were named the Sky Sword Sect, the Ximen Clan, the Flying Immortal Sword Sect, and the Long Sword Sect.

Their own past wasn't too honorable either. They had once colluded with each other to deal with Master Sword's fifth disciple. This was after they had found that Master Sword and four of his disciples were missing.

Later, they had even colluded with creatures from other supreme universes and allowed them to enter the Sword Cosmos.

With time, the enmity had grown and now, the four forces were sworn enemies of Master Sword.

They had spent years investigating the whereabouts of Master Sword and his four disciples.

They were worried that if he and his four disciples were still alive and came back some day, they would be doomed.

What scared them further was the fact that even just one of his disciples came back, handling him would be incredibly challenging for them.

"Since this matter is related to Master Sword, it's by no means insignificant.

I suggest that we join forces to deal with this guy. No matter what happens, we can't let him leave the Sword Cosmos alive.

It's best that we capture him as soon as possible and torture him for the information we need."

Rollins spoke in a slow and gloomy voice. There was a childish sort of tone to his speech that was creepy for anyone who heard it.

"Maybe we are overreacting.

I mean, Master Sword and his four disciples disappeared a long time ago and not even rumors have been heard of them ever since.

It's most likely that they are all dead,"

Nash said with a frown.


We cannot let the man who broke our rules so blatantly get away!

Even if he has nothing to do with Master Sword, he still dared to sneak into the Divine Sword Mountain. That alone is enough to grant him the sickle of death,"

Elder Cunning from the Flying Immortal Sword Sect proclaimed.


We must inform all the forces of what we know and ask them to catch this guy at any cost! If trying to catch him alive fails, they must kill him!"

Rollins pounded the table.

The other three governing gods nodded in agreement.

With a decision reached, the group used their omnipotent skills to send a message to the senior leaders of their respective forces.

"What the hell?

Listen up! A young man has sneaked into the Divine Sword Mountain. He might have something to do with Master Sword,"

a loud voice echoed inside a majestic divine mountain deep in the void. This was the headquarters of the Sky Sword Sect.

"Anything related to Master Sword is top priority.

Tell our men to catch him at all costs. This is an order!"

the voice ordered.

"Bring that brat back here at all costs!"

Similar messages also sounded in the headquarters of the Ximen Clan, the Flying Immortal Sword Sect, and the Long Sword Sect.

Moments after these orders had been passed, hundreds of sword cultivators, emitting sharp sword auras, rushed towards the Divine Sword Mountain one after another. They were going to hunt Austin down no matter what it took.

Most of them had been sent to guard the void around the Divine Sword Mountain.

They had been stationed there since climbing the mountain was forbidden for the common folk.

Only a few top masters from the four major forces were qualified to do so.

At that moment,

in the Divine Sword Mountain,

Austin and Sword Son Curry, who was the fifth disciple of Master Sword, continued to climb up along the zigzag path.

Since Sword Son Curry's real body did not come back to the Sword Cosmos, what accompanied Austin was just a spiritual soul mark.

Even without his real body, the man had a clear understanding of the secrets of the Divine Sword Mountain.

This had allowed him to be of immense help to Austin.

"Sir, it looks like four very powerful masters have targeted my aura."

Austin suddenly stopped.

"That's correct.

There are four governing gods on your tail as we speak.


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