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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4166

Immediately after the giant beast had broken out of its shell, it left the bird nest on the cliff and floated in the air.

Now that it was so large, the nest was too small.

"I love my new body.

It feels great.

If I wanted, I could accomplish lots of things with this," the giant beast said, looking down at its body.

It was like it was in love with its new form.

Once it was done admiring its vessel, it rested its eyes on the crumpled corpse in the nest.

The dead body belonged to Ronnie. He had caused chaos in the Sea of Chaos recently.

But now he had been dead for a long time. His skin was hard, cold, and sunken.

"Ronnie's body is weaker compared to my new body.

I can't believe that I had used it for such a long time. It's so disgusting,"

the giant beast said as it looked at Ronnie's body and wrinkled its nose.

A beam of light shot out from its eyes,

hitting Ronnie's corpse and blasting it to pieces.

Then, the beast's gaze fell on the other giant egg on the bird nest.

"What should I do with this egg?" it murmured to itself.

Its voice shook the entire broken space.

"Forget it.

It could be one hundred million years or longer before it hatches.

For now, I'll leave it here.

Maybe it will be useful to me in the future,"

the giant beast murmured to itself.

Looking at the giant egg,

it cast a spell on it.

All of a sudden, time stopped and the space around the nest was cut off from the outside world.

Then the nest vanished into thin air.

"I think this skill hasn't been practiced in a long time.

Most masters won't be able to find this nest, let alone break my skill,"

the giant beast said.

"Well, now that that's settled, it's time to head back to the Sea of Chaos!"

A malicious grin spread on its face.

Then the beast turned around and slowly walked towards the void.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

With every step it took, the broken space shook violently.

An indescribable power was emitted from its massive body, causing the space around it to collapse and disintegrate further. It was destroying things from walking alone.

After a while,

the giant beast reached the void.

"This body is incredibly powerful, but it's too big.

I'm not used to it.

Even though it's a shame, I think I'd better return to my original shape.

It will be more comfortable,"

the giant beast said.

Standing straight,

it shook its shoulders and

began to shrink slowly.

In the end, it turned into a human being.

It was an old man dressed in black with a vicious look in his eyes.

A cold breeze exuded from him like he was made up of ice.

After a few minutes, the temperature around him plummeted.

Snow blew in the freezing gusts of wind.

"Ha-ha! This feels great. I love my original body.

It's a pity that my real body was destroyed a long time ago.


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