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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4198

"Go to hell!"

the ancient beast Humphrey had transformed into roared as it slowly traipsed forward. Just the sound waves from its voice and footsteps created a tide that spread out all around it.

The divine arrays could be wiped out if it blew on them.

Tremendous pressure was released from its body

and like expected, it began walking through the arrays that exploded at just its touch.

All the creatures and soldiers that were watching gazed up at the ancient beast in awe.

Although there were hundreds of thousands of divine arrays,

not one caused it pause.

Just now, Humphrey's army was stopped from breaking into the headquarters of the Novel Court by those divine arrays.

But Humphrey destroyed them easily and advanced forward smoothly.

This scene showed how strong Humphrey was and all creatures present would always remember what it looked like.

"All hail Master Humphrey!"

"Master Humphrey, you are the one true ruler of the Sea of Chaos!"

His army encouraged him as he walked, raising the magic treasures, sharp swords, and spears.

Most of the soldiers had surrendered to Humphrey because they felt that they had no other choice.

However, now they felt grateful.

They believed that he could do whatever he wanted and rule everything.

No one in the Sea of Chaos would ever be able to challenge him.

He would create a brilliant era and everyone would remember his name.

The creatures felt hope rising as he

plowed through the arrays.

Humphrey would lead them to a glorious victory!


By now, almost half of the divine arrays had been smashed into pieces by Humphrey.

The ancient beast was livid, smashing everything in its wake.

"Ha! These divine arrays can't stop me!

I thought you were a famous force. Looks like I'm better.

Die now,"

Humphrey said coldly.

"The Novel Court will become extinct.

Humphrey is too advanced.

Not even governing gods can break those divine arrays, but he can.

The Novel Court is too weak

to resist him.

Humphrey has the ability to destroy a super force by himself!"

There wasn't a single creature

that thought the Novel Court was safe.

A famous super force that had existed for a long time in the Sea of Chaos was about to be annihilated.

'I don't know. Now that the five super forces have joined together, Humphrey might struggle a bit,'

Austin thought to himself.


something shot into the sky.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Everyone's eyes looked up.

"Look, the head of the Novel Court and two superior elders are coming out.

They are all governing gods!"

a creature exclaimed.


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