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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4208

"That guy is an outsider! How dare he break into the Sword Cosmos again?!"

A semi-governing god went livid upon knowing that Austin was spotted inside their cosmos once more.

"Tell our men to search for this brat. We must capture him this time!"

The semi-governing gods of the four forces issued the order. At the same time, they quickly filled their leaders in on Austin's appearance.

Previously, Austin and Sword Son Curry had appeared together in the Divine Sword Mountain.

Witnessing this, the senior leaders of the four major forces speculated that Austin must have become the successor of Sword Son Curry.

Since he had yet again been seen at the Divine Sword Mountain, they had to pay more attention to him.

In the past, the four major forces had been enemies with Sword Son Curry. It was just natural for them to be anxious about his return and the possibility of him taking revenge on them.

What troubled them the most, however, was whether Master Sword was still alive or already dead.

If Master Sword was still alive, all of the forces that had rebelled against him would be in grave peril.

After all, in the history of the Sword Cosmos, no one had been more powerful than Master Sword. If he returned and decided to exact his revenge, no one would be able to beat him.

With this, the four major forces sent lots of their men to hunt Austin down.

They wanted to capture and interrogate him about the whereabouts of Sword Son Curry.

Even the other sects that had issues with Sword Son Curry before had also dispatched their disciples to join the hunt for Austin.

They should easily detect him because all of the said forces, who were dispatched to search for Austin, knew his appearance and were familiar with his spiritual soul aura.

Meanwhile, the people of the Blade Cosmos also heard the news of Austin's arrival.

They quickly noticed that the troops of the Sword Cosmos were mobilized and were actually in disarray.

With this, the masters of the Blade Cosmos also took the opportunity to look for Austin.

It had been a long time since the Blade Cosmos started invading the Sword Cosmos.

However, they couldn't fully occupy the Sword Cosmos due to the fact that its creatures fought back bravely.

All this time, the people of the Blade Cosmos who got stationed at the Sword Cosmos spent most of their time thinking about how they could completely destroy all of them so that they could finally take the Sword Cosmos by force.

They carefully watched their every move.

Therefore, as soon as the forces in the Sword Cosmos took action, they immediately followed suit to find out what was going on.

At this point, Austin was just standing in a chaotic void outside the Divine Sword World.

With the sudden movements of the people from both the Sword Cosmos and the Blade Cosmos, he immediately realized what they were after.

"It looks like several masters from the Sword Cosmos and the Blade Cosmos are intently looking for me.

Ugh, come on. I just came here to cultivate.

I can't believe that I'd cause such a commotion."

Austin smiled bitterly as he perceived that a lot of masters were actually already headed to where he was.

Moreover, he found that many of them were governing gods who were scanning the Sword Cosmos with their powerful spiritual sense.

'What are the odds of beating all of these governing gods from a supreme universe?'

Austin wondered as he let out a sigh.

'Well, the most important thing is to get back to the Sea of Chaos as soon as possible.

Humphrey is about to break free. I need to be more prepared,' he thought to himself.

Then, he unleashed his spiritual sense to look for the weak space nodes in the entire Sword Cosmos.

It was just a piece of cake for Austin to sneak in and out of the Sword Cosmos, even if it was a supreme universe.

Soon enough, Austin found a weak space node where he could pass through in order to leave easily.

However, when he was about to break it,

a loud voice echoed from his back.

"Hey, stop right there!

Ha! I've finally caught up to you, human boy. Tell me. Why are those people from the Sword Cosmos looking for you?"

A tall man shrouded in dazzling light suddenly emerged from the distance.

He was certainly strong, giving off such a powerful vibe. Although he seemed emotionless, just his aura could make ordinary people tremble in fear. As soon as he appeared, he fixed his eyes on Austin.

'This one's a master from the Blade Cosmos, huh?'

Austin quickly deduced.

"Why? Does it have anything to do with you?" Austin asked with a straight face.

He actually had no intention of dealing with the master in front of him since he was quite in a hurry.

"Ha-ha! You really are an interesting guy.

Brat, I know that those people from the Sword Cosmos are very eager to capture you.

Even their governing gods have joined this hunt.

So, how about we make a deal?

It's simple. I will have your back, and in return, you're going to tell me why they are after you.

What do you think?


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