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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4217

Humphrey's spearheads densely surrounded the three thousand big and small universes.

The rest were approaching from behind.


from far away and all over the Sea of Chaos, many powerful warriors were paying close attention on what was happening in the three thousand big and small universes.

The governing gods did not bother to hide the smug look on their faces as they all took pleasure in Austin's misfortune. They even laughed out loud, seeing him trapped in such a desperate situation.

"How the tables have turned, Austin! You've been always arrogant, and now you have to suffer the consequences."

Sneers and cold laughter rang out in every corner of the Sea of Chaos.

At this moment, the attention of the entire Sea of Chaos was focused on the three thousand big and small universes.

After all, an epic war was about to break out in that place at any time. The results might forever change the ways of life, even in the Sea of Chaos.

At this moment,

back in the three thousand big and small universes, a large group of divine gods stood faithfully beside Austin, waiting for his commands.

Santos and Austin stood side by side as they looked out to the horizon.

"You are so bold to come to the three thousand big and small universes and challenge us. You are surely courting death!"

Austin's voice rang loudly all of a sudden. His voice reached the ears of every soldier in the army outside.

As Austin spoke, his spiritual sense got straight to work and crushed them.

In an instant, they all felt their spiritual souls shake terribly, as their hearts beat terrifyingly fast. A mysterious weight bore down on their lungs, making it almost impossible to breathe. Their faces grew pale from the fear of life slipping away and they couldn't do anything about it.

"Austin, stop being so arrogant now.

You are nothing but a contemptible scoundrel in front of Master Humphrey!"

"As a matter of fact, you and your pathetic army are the ones courting death!

Master Humphrey can kill you with just a snap of a finger!

How dare you talk so big here!"

"Austin, where do you get the audacity to speak in such a reckless tone? You don't seem to know that you are doomed, as good as dead! You already have one foot in the grave!

Not only you, but all the creatures in the three thousand big and small universes shall die a horrible death! Thanks to you, this part of the Sea of Chaos shall be nothing but a wasteland!"

The enemy creatures cursed fiercely one after another despite the pain that they were suffering from the attack released by Austin just now.

Despite that, they still didn't take him seriously knowing that they had Humphrey's support all the way.

It was hot news to all creatures that not long ago, Humphrey defeated twenty-one governing gods on his own!

Such a fighting record was shocking and earned him the status of invincible in the Sea of Chaos,

His army had already recognized Humphrey as the most powerful entity in the Sea of Chaos.

"We will see about that! And since you want to die, I shall fulfill your wish,"

Austin sneered back in defiance.


Under his control, he summoned the Ultimate Mind Sword Skill.

Instantly, a streak of extremely blinding sword-light, appeared outside the three thousand big and small universes.

It seemed to rush over, slashing horizontally.


The speed of the sword-light was beyond measure. Every member of the army that it passed through was swiftly cut in half.

This transparent sword-light was so fast that none of them had any time to react. Their perfectly sliced upper halves toppled over and collapsed with just the sound of flesh smashing into the ground.

Nobody had any idea what had just happened.

When they came to their senses, their mutilated bodies and spiritual souls lay in a heap beyond recognition.

Even the genuine divine gods ended up suffering the same fate.

In just a few seconds,

every warrior of every rank in the advancing army was cut open and killed miserably on the spot.

There was no way anyone could have survived.

Humphrey's spearhead ended up being completely annihilated.

It took Austin and his secret skill a mere few seconds!

At this moment, anyone watching from a safe distance was shocked to the core.

It was known to all that Humphrey's spearhead had a large number of divine gods, and many of them were even genuine premium-grade divine gods.

But they were all wiped out from the face of the Sea of Chaos within a few moments.

Austin's fighting power was just beyond terrifying.

Even the governing gods in the Sea of Chaos, straightened up from their seats, distracted and shocked at what they had just witnessed.

Even though they were strong enough to kill every single one in the spearhead,

they never expected Austin to do it so quickly, decisively and effectively.

They looked at him with a complicated mix of fear and denial in their eyes.

It was not until this time did they realize that Austin genuinely possessed the fighting power that once belonged only to the governing gods.


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