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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4220

"This is the end for them! Austin is doomed and so are the three thousand big and small universes."

Many powerful warriors observed the situation at the three thousand big and small universes from afar. They were actually enjoying the fact that Austin and his people were facing their inevitable demise.

In particular, the governing gods of the several super forces hoped that Humphrey and Austin would fight against each other immediately, and it would be best if both of them were injured.

This was because these governing gods were afraid and intimidated by Austin's strength.

Back then, he refused to cooperate with them, making them extremely dissatisfied. From then on, they secretly resented him.

In short, they were hoping that Austin might die as soon as possible. He was nothing but a hindrance to them.

Now that the Grand Geomancy Array had been broken, there was no longer any power left to stop Humphrey from entering and destroying the three thousand big and small universes along with everyone who dwelt there.

Austin had failed to restrain Humphrey, and now, he had nowhere to hide.

Because of this, all the creatures of the three thousand big and small universes would also surely die in such a catastrophic way.

"What a pity! The three thousand big and small universes were already rising again.

But now, they are going to perish together with Austin.

This talented young man is going to be a mere passer-by on the stage of history."

"There's no doubt about it.

Austin is indeed very strong.

He's just unlucky that he has to face Humphrey. There's no way for him to defeat such a monster."

"Well, this is also Austin's fault. He had been completely arrogant.

If he only chose to cooperate with the other five super forces to fight against Humphrey, then he might not be in this position right now.

He must be regretting it dearly."

The powerful warriors in the Sea of Chaos kept on discussing among themselves. Some felt pity for Austin, some were gloating, and some were hurling insults. They were all here to witness how this was going to end.

On the other hand, with his hands behind his back, Humphrey took his time and slowly walked into the three thousand big and small universes with a playful expression on his face.

He wasn't in a hurry and was obviously savoring the moment.

Although he could actually destroy the universe community with just a wave of his hand, he wanted the whole process to be gradual.

After all, he was already so sure of what was going to happen.

This way, all the people watching would see and recognize how powerful he really was. He wanted to create an impression that he could destroy and control everything.

It was who he was. It brought him joy to see that his opponent was desperately struggling. This gave him a deep sense of satisfaction.

"Master Humphrey, you're truly invincible!"

"All hail Master Humphrey!"

The people of Humphrey's army screamed excitedly as they celebrated their master's victory.

The terrifying sound waves they created spread throughout the entire Sea of Chaos.

At the same time, Humphrey enjoyed all the compliments and cheers that he heard as he steadily walked towards the three thousand big and small universes. After a while, he finally stopped some distance away from Austin.

He seemed like an emperor who was looking at a lowly commoner.

"Austin, I bet you didn't expect that things would end up like this, right?

I've tried to convince you so many times, yet you refused to accept my invitation. Now, you're going to regret that terribly.

You're such an arrogant bastard.

You deserve this kind of ending!

Now, do you have anything else to say?"

Humphrey said coldly as he glared at Austin.

"Why are you so exaggerated? A momentary victory or defeat is nothing.

It happens all the time.

I've got nothing to say to you,"

Austin replied with an unusual calmness in his voice.

There was no hint of panic or fear in his eyes. He did not even beg or despair in front of Humphrey.

"What? Are you not afraid of death?"

Humphrey was actually stunned as he heard Austin's response. He was about to die but he was still so composed and firm. This attitude of Austin immediately annoyed Humphrey. His eyes instantly oozed with a horrifying killing intent.

Since the very beginning, Austin didn't have the slightest intention of obeying him. Instead, he repeatedly provoked him.


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