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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4226

Austin noticed that dozens of golden rocs were glaring at him, ready to attack.

The golden roc the elder had transformed into was fast approaching Austin.

It hit Austin with its sharp golden claws, producing a strong wind which shook the space where Austin stood.

However, Austin didn't even flinch.

He stretched out his hand and

swatted like he was killing a fly.

His hand grew bigger and emitted bright, golden lights.

Golden runes gathered in the palm.

Austin was performing a secret palm skill owned by the heaven metal race. No one else present recognized what it was.

Suddenly, his hand collided with the golden claws.

Without producing an overwhelming energy wave,

the golden roc's claws popped like bubbles.


An instant later,

his body and spiritual soul also imploded.

Despite him being one of the most advanced members of the heaven roc race,

Austin had crushed him in a single blow.

All throughout the Heaven Roc Universe Community,

there was dead silence.

Fear pressed down on every member of the heaven roc race present.

The semi-governing gods were the strongest in the heaven roc race.

However, he hadn't even had a moment to defend himself.

Overcome with despair, the rest members of the heaven roc race lost their urge to fight.

When no one came for him,

Austin selected his next target.


Like a ghost, Austin appeared in front of another golden roc and slapped it.

"Help me!"

The golden roc looked very powerful,

but it was now frozen in place.

The force Austin used against him came from the human worlds in his body.

Austin could fight a governing god. These masters were not his match.

Plus, he now had some great cosmos force inside him.

The great cosmos force was a kind of energy more advanced than the chaotic energy.


Austin's strike was extremely lethal.

Unable to avoid the blow, the golden roc was hit and exploded on the spot.

He was dead within seconds.


Austin launched an attack on another golden roc.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Golden rocs were exploding everywhere he turned.

Not long after, almost every golden roc had been killed.

They were core members of the heaven roc race, but they died at Austin's hands just like that.

Austin smiled as he looked around.

He could only see

one master left.

It was the chief of the heaven roc race.

By now, he was trembling. "Austin, you... You... You are a heartless killer!"

he yelled, pointing accusingly at Austin.

He looked at Austin with fear, shock, and anger.

The deaths of his comrades didn't seem real.

At the same time,

the rest of the Heaven Roc Universe Community was paralyzed with fear.

They stood completely still.


Within seconds, Austin was standing in front of the chief of the heaven roc race.

"I said that I'm going to kill every single soul in your race.

I always stand by my word,"


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