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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4245

"Hmm, you're right. That's odd.

A few moments ago, the Purple Sword Sect was attacking the city.

But now, they had ceased all their attacks.

Is this another round of their games? Or are they plotting something?"

an elder of the Lin Clan pondered aloud.

"Monitor their every move. Keep me posted,"

Garth ordered.


Austin was outside the Red Sword City, surrounded by dozens of his slaves.

"Our duty is to keep our master safe!"

his slaves declared in unison.

Since they had been controlled by Austin through the Puppet Strings, they would put him before anything else.

Their master was their top priority. It would be an honor to die for him.

Maple and her brother tightened their grip around their swords and readied themselves to fight.

Then, an army from the Purple Sword Sect came rushing towards them. Each of them held a determined and murderous look on their faces.

"Stand back. I got this." Austin wickedly smiled.

He gestured for his slaves to give him space. They all obeyed. Maple and her brother followed suit.

"Come on! Let's tear this brat into bits!"

The troops marched on, heading straight on in Austin's direction. They unsheathed their swords and brandished them at him, producing powerful sword lights. They instantly surrounded him.

Austin, on the other hand, remained calm and collected. He had his hands clasped behind his back, patiently waiting for them to arrive.

He didn't make a move or avoid the incoming blows.

The sword lights fell on him, and he simply let it happen.

There was a world of swordsmanship, along with five truths of swordsmanship growing inside Austin's body. It was beneficial for him that all these sword aura and intent were raining on him. He would use this to his advantage to nourish the world of swordsmanship and the truths of swordsmanship.

Naturally, he wouldn't dodge these attacks. He wanted all of them.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The streaks of sword light landed on him. To his enemies' surprise, they all disappeared on his body.

He absorbed all of them!

Just when the sharp swords were about to pierce Austin's body, they were thrown away.

"W-What!? How could this be?"

The army from the Purple Sword Sect were dumbfounded. They halted in their tracks.

"Is that all you got?

Come on. Give it a little more effort,"

Austin taunted, adding more salt in their wounds.

He wanted them to release more sword aura and sword intent.

"Don't be afraid!

We can take him down together!"

The Purple Sword Sect stood their ground and encouraged their army. They launched another set of attacks against Austin.

Over thirty people charged at him.

However, like before, Austin remained motionless.

He stood there calmly, openly welcoming the sword lights.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Their powerful sword lights cut through the void.

Just like the previous incident, all the sword lights merely evaporated just before it hit Austin's body.

They fired numerous attacks,

but Austin was unscathed.

He kept his composure. He gave them an unbothered look, while his hands were still behind his back.

All the swords that hit Austin's body were sent pummeling in the opposite direction.

All the attacks sent by their adversaries did no damage because he had acquired the Chaotic Heaven Body and the body of the heaven metal race. On top of that, he had created over one hundred human worlds in his body through cultivating the Introduction to Vital Energy Circulation.

He was almost indestructible.

With his level, only the attacks of a governing god could cause damage on Austin's body.

Anyone below that level would never create any harm on him, even if he stood still and did nothing.

"No way!

How could this guy be so powerful?

After all those attacks, he's still unharmed!"

The army from the Purple Sword Sect was completely petrified. They looked at him closely, wondering what went wrong or where their sword lights vanished.


This brat has something up his sleeve!"

In the distance, Elder Roland turned to look at Austin. When he witnessed him display such remarkable power, he began to take him seriously.

"I don't understand. This guy seems impenetrable! Even swords can't leave any marks on him. What's going on?"

The other members of the Purple Sword Sect were just as visibly confused as their elder.

"Brother, I am right about Mr. Lin.

He is indeed commendable."

Maple kept her gaze upon Austin, excitement and awe washing over her. She watched him defend himself against numerous enemies alone.

"Master, you are invincible!"


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