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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4249

"Maybe they suddenly changed their minds and thought that I am a good person, so they decided to work for me instead of working for your evil sect,"

Austin said with a smile.

"Brat, it is best that you do not play any tricks. You can't afford to provoke the Purple Sword Sect.

We have the strong support of the Long Sword Sect. They got our backs!

If you make an enemy of the Purple Sword Sect, it automatically means that you are also an enemy of the Long Sword Sect,"

Roland threatened.

It wasn't until this time that he also felt a looming fear of Austin's fighting power.

Even when confronting the whole army of the Purple Sword Sect just by himself, Austin didn't lose. Instead, he had the upper hand.

Even Roland was not sure whether he could make such a shocking achievement like Austin.

So he knew that with every move he made, he had to deal with Austin carefully.

Unless it was necessary, he didn't want to get locked into a fight with him.

"Young man, I don't know what kind of feud or misunderstanding you have with our sect.

But if you can stop here and make peace with us,

it will be best for all of us. Then I can let it go and forget all about it.

However, if you insist on this foolishness, you will bear the wrath from both the Purple Sword Sect and the Long Sword Sect.

I don't think that there are many people in the whole Sword Cosmos who would dare to be the offenders of both the Purple Sword Sect and the Long Sword Sect, let alone you, a young man,"

Roland continued, careful not to set a trigger.

"Oh, is that so?

It sounds like a threat. Are you threatening me right now?"

Austin asked with a sneer.

With Austin's strength and trump cards, the inferior Purple Sword Sect did not even have enough merit to make him nervous, let alone fearful enough to retreat.

"Young man, think twice before you do anything that you might regret later!

Don't talk big and behave so arrogantly.

Otherwise, it will be too late!"

Roland said slowly, narrowing his eyes at Austin seeing that the young man did not flinch at all.

"Ha ha, old man, you are just wasting your time. You can never ever scare me.

To be honest with you, I don't mind being an enemy of the Purple Sword Sect, let alone regret it.

Come closer and let me tell you a secret. I don't take the Long Sword Sect seriously. So don't ever think that you can threaten me using the name of that poor and despicable sect.

As a matter of fact, let's cut the crap and just fight! You talk too much!"

Austin said with a mocking smile as he walked towards Roland in a lazy pace.

Roland was a semi-governing god, and he exuded the aura that he was very good at swordsmanship.

Austin didn't want to waste such a goal. He made a mental plan to seize the opportunity to make Roland his latest slave.

"Oh hell no! You're arrogance is unacceptable!

Don't act like you own the universe just because you have gained a few skills up your sleeve.

Even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about the force you belong to and what your arrogance can do to it.

If you mess with the Purple Sword Sect and the Long Sword Sect, it will bring upon great trouble and even disaster to your force!"

Roland snapped and gritted his teeth, his voice turning sharp.

"Come on, old man, stop talking nonsense now and just fight me.

Don't think that you can avoid a clash with me today,"

Austin merely answered with a menacing grin.

"Boy, don't push me!"

Roland began trembling in anger upon hearing Austin's teasing words.

"Ha ha, old man, you can keep yakking, but whatever you say won't work on me.

Anyway, it seems that you are trying to get out of a fight with me, but it's not working,"

said Austin with a chuckle.


Brat, you are impossibly arrogant!"

Austin's attitude made Roland fume in anger.

After all, he was a semi-governing god!

Even some highly revered governing gods were polite to him.

But now, a young man was disrespecting him badly, and it had never happened before.

For him, such behavior was unacceptable.

"Brat, I am really going to kill you!"

Roland couldn't help but scream in rage. Someone of his stature in the Sword Cosmos shouldn't have to tolerate such arrogance and disrespect.


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