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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4251

The sight that greeted their eyes was incredible. The prestigious Elder Roland was roaring at a young man and there was a furious look on his face.

From what they could make of his words, he seemed to be scolding the young man for pushing him too far.

What surprised them the most was that his tone was more grievous than angry.

On the other hand, the young man was calmly standing there with his hands tied behind his back. There was a peaceful expression on his face and a mocking smile on his lips.

In addition, the army of the Purple Sword Sect was standing far away with a dejected demeanor.

Their once arrogant and aggressive manners were all but gone.

"Leader, it looks like the report was correct. There's indeed a young man battling the entire army all by himself.

I would have thought it impossible. But it is true!"

"Why do I get the feeling that the young man has the upper hand?

Look at that! Elder Roland is hurling curses at him in exasperation."

"That's insane! What the hell did that guy do which has made the powerful troop of the Purple Sword Sect so dispirited?

I don't know what it was, but it surely must have been something!"

The senior members of the Lin Clan were confused after witnessing the events of the battlefield. It was difficult for them to understand what was going on. Most of them felt like they were in an impossible dream

However, one thing that remained clear in their minds was that this was a good thing for the clan.

Perhaps with this young man standing against it, the Purple Sword Sect wouldn't attack them anymore.


"Leader, I can't sense any trace of Miss Maple and Mr. Gregory.

Is there something wrong?"

an elder asked in a doubtful tone.


Their auras were present just now. It is very faint now but

I can still sense their presence,"

Garth said excitedly.

"Then, where are they?"

Everyone else was confused.

"Their auras seem to be coming from that young man!"

Garth suddenly uttered and pointed at Austin.

"From the young man?"

The words stunned everyone. How can a person emit someone else's auras?

"That's right.

I have my own method of sensing my son and daughter's auras.

And I trust my instincts.

Maple and Gregory are inside this young man.

He must have some sort of spatial magic treasure with him where they're hiding.

That would explain everything,"

Garth explained his statement.

"I see.

Yeah a spatial magic treasure would certainly explain things."

The senior members of the Lin Clan nodded in agreement.

"However, we don't know whether this young man is a friend or foe.

If Miss Maple and Mr. Gregory are inside his magic treasure, there are two possibilities.

They might have been imprisoned by the young man; or they are hiding there for safety,"

an elder reminded Garth.

"You're right.

I don't know this man's intentions for certain.

However, he is obviously hostile to the Purple Sword Sect.

Moreover, he is able to stand his ground against the entire army all by himself, which means his strength is incredible.

I say we try our best to be friends with him instead of creating enmity,"

Garth declared.

"That's right.

I agree.

Our paths have never crossed with this young man before today.

Since he has no possible motive for a feud with us, it's likely that he is our friend,"


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