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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4256

"I have to protect our clan at all cost, even if it means I have to sacrifice myself?"

Hearing her father's words, Maple hung her head and sighed.

'I can't believe this.

Dad wants me to sacrifice myself to seduce Austin so that he would side with us.

This will be an embarrassment for our clan.

But Dad is doing this for our clan. I can't really blame him for trying to protect our clan,' she thought to herself.

Taking a deep breath, she held her head high and approached Austin.

"Mr. Lin, like I told you before, if you help my clan, I will repay you however you want.

You can trust me. I've never gone back on my word. All I need you to do is stay here for the time being so that I can do it. Is that okay?"

Maple asked.

She allowed the words to tumble out. Otherwise, she may have chickened out and avoided him.

Currently, she held eye contact with him but tears were welling in her eyes. She was so ashamed that she wished that she could vanish into thin air.

She may be the noble lady of the Lin Clan and the most beautiful woman in the Red Sword City,

but she was used to

the men that found her attractive being below her standards.

She was a goddess that the men in the Red Sword City could only dream of being with.

But now, this goddess had proposed to devote herself to a stranger.

"Maple, what are you doing?"

Maple's brother asked, stepping forward aggressively.


Maple knows what she is doing,"

Garth said as he grabbed onto Maple's brother's sleeve and pulled him aside.

"Ahem... Miss Maple, you don't have to offer me anything.

I know what you're thinking.

Don't worry about repaying me. I will go to the headquarters of the Purple Sword Sect and destroy it. Then there will be no threat to your clan.

That way, even if I am no longer here, no one can be a threat to your clan.

I will end the Purple Sword Sect,"

Austin answered.

"Wait. What did you just say?

Mr. Lin, you are planning to wipe out the Purple Sword Sect?"

As Austin looked around, it appeared that everyone in the Lin Clan seemed to have had the same reaction.

Although they had seen Austin defeat the troops of the Purple Sword Sect on his own,

those troops weren't the entirety of the Purple Sword Sect.

Most of the members of the Purple Sword Sect could be found in its headquarters

and many of them there had lived for a long time and possessed terrifying strength.

Plus, the Purple Sword Sect had the support of the Long Sword Sect.

If anyone dared to attack the Purple Sword Sect, the leader of the Long Sword Sect would send reinforcements.

No one in the Lin Clan had even dreamed of it

because just the thought was too much of a risk.

In fact, the Long Sword Sect was so terrifying that not even the governing gods of the Sword Cosmos would mess with the Purple Sword Sect.

Austin was different.

He had the courage to stand up to his enemies, no matter how large or powerful.

"Austin, you're joking! The overall strength of the Purple Sword Sect is too much for you.

You won't be able to destroy it,"

Garth said as he smiled awkwardly.

"That was not a joke.

I'm serious,"

Austin said flatly.

"In fact, right now I'm going to the headquarters."


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