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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4260

It took the troop of the Purple Sword Sect only a blink of an eye to arrive at the Red Sword City.

As they got there, Austin immediately attracted the attention of their sect leader, a powerful man by the name of Winslow. He looked at Austin with his sharp eyes and tried to sense his strength.

At that very moment, Austin was surrounded by the members of the Lin Clan and hundreds of his divine god slaves. His prominent and eye-catching presence drew attention towards itself even from the unwilling. Winslow focused his attention on the man's cultivation realm and was shocked,

"No way!

He's just a genuine medium-grade divine god! Are you kidding me?"

Winslow was shocked.


This is the guy who defeated our troops all by himself?

How's that even possible?"

The other masters of the Purple Sword Sect couldn't believe their eyes as well.

"What the hell?

Elder Roland, why are you standing with this brat and the Lin Clan?

And you guys... What the hell are you doing?"

He frowned and asked loudly when he found Elder Roland and hundreds of divine gods from his sect standing behind Austin.

Elder Roland was a superior elder of the Purple Sword Sect.

And the hundreds of divine gods behind Austin were the soldiers of his sect who had attended the last fight.

But at that moment, there was an obedient expression on their faces, and they were following Austin like... slaves!

Something was very wrong here. Winslow could feel it.

What's more, even after he'd called out to them, Elder Roland and the divine gods had ignored him completely.

"Elder Roland, what the hell are you doing?"

Winslow shouted once again.

There was no response from the man this time as well. However, he did turn and look at him with contempt in his eyes.

"That's strange. What's wrong with Elder Roland?"

The other masters of the Purple Sword Sect were also confused.

"Ha-ha! There's no need to shout. In fact, there's no point in doing so. He's decided to join me and no longer answered to you.

Didn't you notice that?"

Austin burst out laughing.


Elder Roland is the most influential and powerful superior elder of our sect. Why the hell would he join you?

Cut the crap and tell me what you've done to him!

Is this some form of mental control?"

Winslow hissed angrily.

Elder Roland held an influential position in the Purple Sword Sect, and he was as respected as Winslow himself.

But a young man was controlling him like a puppet now.

If news of such a horrendous defeat got out, it would significantly damage the reputation of the Purple Sword Sect.

"You're right.

That brat must be using some despicable means to control Elder Roland!"

the other masters roared.

"You bastard!

How dare you treat Elder Roland in this way?"

"You deserve to be sent to hell!

We'll make sure that happens.

We aren't going to let you go for what you've done. Come on. Let's tear him into pieces!"

"Brat! Kneel and apologize!"

At the thought of Elder Roland and other divine gods being controlled so despicably, the masters of the Purple Sword Sect were furious. They released an overwhelming pressure to crush Austin.


In an instant, a surging sea of sword aura completely submerged the entire void.

"Shut your mouth!

How dare you be so rude to my master? Go to hell!"

An unexpected turn of events took place when Elder Roland, who had been standing beside Austin, cursed angrily and released a rolling pressure towards the troop of his own sect. The other divine gods also started roaring.

"You dare talk to our master in such a tone?"

"You're courting death!"


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