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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4262

"Elder Reggie, we must deal with that brat ourselves,"

Winslow whispered as he turned to look at a superior elder of his sect.

Austin's display of power was extremely terrifying.

He was fighting an army all by himself but didn't appear to be at a disadvantage. In fact, everything pointed to him handling the task with ease and grace.

From their first attack, an overwhelming amount of sword radiance had fallen on Austin's body, but he was still unscathed. It was evident that conventional methods weren't going to work against him.

"You're right. Let's launch a silent assault on him. I hope we can hurt him badly enough if we attack simultaneously," Elder Reggie replied.

The duo secretly disappeared into the void.

At that moment,

Austin was standing still and not defending himself.

Out of the blue,

two beams of powerful sword radiance whooshed towards him from the back.

They were moving at an astonishing speed and had entered the battlefield from two different directions.

The tremendous power they contained was visible from the trail of destruction they left in their path. Everything they touched turned to ashes.


The two beams of sword radiance landed on Austin's body and a dazzling glow almost blinded everyone around him.

Enormous amounts of the energy of swordsmanship entered his body

which created loud noises.

The infinite amounts of sword aura and sword intent that entered his body wreaked havoc inside.

As the glow faded, the onlookers saw cracks beginning to appear on Austin's body.

A split second later, it exploded into pieces.

Each of his appendages was thrown away in a different direction.

"Ha-ha! Looks like I overestimated your strength.

You are just a weakling!"

Elder Reggie of the Purple Sword Sect entered back into the battlefield, laughing in contempt.

"Bear witness!

That's what happens when you are arrogant and full of yourself.

Keep this in mind. Whoever messes with us will suffer the same fate," Winslow announced in an indifferent tone.

The victory was making him look majestic.

"Hell yeah!

They broke that brat into pieces!"

"Our leader and superior elder are so powerful. They defeated him in a heartbeat!"

The people of the Purple Sword Sect began cheering.

"Oh, no!

What do we do?"

The members of the Lin Clan began to panic.

If Austin died, they were doomed. His slaves also seemed frightened for his safety.

"Master!" Elder Roland and the other divine gods shouted.

However, their fears were pointless.

Moments after Winslow and Elder Reggie's attack,

Austin's body parts began to fly up in the air and gathered in one spot at a rapid pace.

In a flash, he reappeared in front of them, looking as good as if he'd never been injured at all.


You are much better than those men before,"

Austin remarked with a smile.

The truth was, he had noticed Winslow and Elder Reggie making a move against him when they'd disappeared into the void.

That was exactly what he wanted and therefore, he hadn't dodged their attack.

Austin was confident that he could survive it since they were just semi-governing gods.

When the duo attacked him, he let the two beams of sword radiance hit him on purpose.

And as soon as it hit him, his body had absorbed the sword aura and intent from it, rendering it beneficial instead of harmless.

Since an all-out attack by two semi-governing gods was extremely powerful, Austin had a good harvest.

However, he wasn't completely unharmed.

"My body can withstand this kind of damage. It barely hurt me at all."

Austin checked his body and discovered a few minor injuries. It was nothing and would heal soon.

"What the hell? !

How is that even possible?"

Winslow and Elder Reggie were shaken to the core when Austin's body remade itself and he appeared in front of them, as fine as rain.

They had attacked him together with all their might and were hoping to cause some serious damage, if not deliver a fatal blow.


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