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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 427

The Royal garden...

It was also Austin's place for cultivating his martial arts.

Inside a secret chamber of Austin Palace.

At the moment, Austin was sitting cross-legged on a cushion.

After winning a championship, Austin had acquired a large number of vital energy crystals, three medium-grade aggressive sacred weapons, a piece of precious top-grade sacred armor, and three drops of Ancient Magic Liquid.

As for the three medium-grade aggressive sacred weapons, they were a machete, a spear, and a halberd. However, none were suitable for Austin. He ignored them and took out the precious top-grade armor and examined it.

This armor was made of some unknown but rare materials, and it seemed to be intelligent. Lights of seven different colors were seen on it. It felt soft, warm, and comfortable.

This piece of expensive clothing belonged to the top-grade sacred weapon, and its defensive power was admirable. With this precious clothing and his cultivation of the Overlord Body-refining Formula, which made his body harder and indestructible, Austin believed the defensive ability of his human body would improve tremendously.

After putting the expensive clothing away, Austin glanced around and found three jade bottles. Each of the three jade bottles contained one drop of Ancient Magic Liquid.

The Ancient Magic Liquid was a well-known treasure generated between the heaven and the earth.

The most prominent function of the Ancient Magic Liquid was to cleanse and transform a cultivator's body effectively. Even the tiniest cells could be cleaned thoroughly to purify a human body to the maximum possible extent. Besides, their body structure could be improved. After refining the Ancient Magic Liquid, cultivators might consider themselves reborn.

In short, by refining the Ancient Magic Liquid, a regular cultivator might have the chance to become the most talented one. Similarly, a talented cultivator might become the most intimidating cultivator of martial arts.

Of course, this was nothing but a legend that circulated among the cultivators. Until now, Austin had never seen the Ancient Magic Liquid. Curious, he held one of the jade bottles in his hand and looked at it carefully.

Then, he seemed to have reached a decision. He pulled out the plug and poured the pure Ancient Magic Liquid. It turned out the drop was the size of a soybean.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the drop touched Austin's palm, it wormed its way into his flesh and disappeared.

Then, Austin closed his eyes and concentrated. He could feel the drop of Ancient Magic Liquid merging with his blood and flowing toward his heart.

Seconds later, he sensed that the temperature inside his body was rising quickly, as though he were sitting too close to a furnace.

Austin's blood became extremely hot, and he could feel it flowing through his vessels. Finally, Austin felt as though his blood was boiling. Green tendrils of smoke drifted out from his body.

Austin was both confused and shocked at the sight of the smoke coming from his body. 'The Ancient Magic Liquid must be causing this, ' thought Austin.

Then, Austin found that his skin had turned extremely red, and it felt like he was on fire. Besides, it was hot and dry inside the secret room. He later realized that the high temperature of his body had evaporated all the moisture in the room.

Suddenly, black smoke shot out from the pores in his body. Following this, more tendrils of smoke appeared and floated across the room. His body seemed to have become a steamer, spraying smoke continually.

He also felt a sharp pain course through his body. However, Austin stood still and endured the pain calmly. He had experienced the five stages of the Overlord Body-refining Formula, and this pain was nothing in comparison.

The minutes ticked away.

Suddenly, Austin's body trembled, and he bit his lip hard. At this moment, red flames ignited inside his body. At first, the fires were small. Moments later, the fires grew in intensity. In less than a minute, the fires had reached all parts of Austin's body.

Muscles, bones, vessels, internal organs, and all other parts of his body burst into flames. The high temperature from that fire was refining Austin's body. However, this pain had become difficult to bear.

Austin's body was suffering and trembling. Within minutes, he was sweating profusely. However, the high temperature of his skin evaporated all moisture quickly.

Austin gritted his teeth, and his vessels swelled. It felt as though countless earthworms were wriggling inside him in a terrifying manner. His handsome face distorted as he tried to endure the pain.


The pain that he suffered when he was cultivating the Overlord Body-refining Formula was not as severe as this. He couldn't stand it any longer and screamed, as loudly as a pig being slaughtered.

The pain only worsened.

Austin suddenly realized why the cultivators felt as though they had been reborn after refining the Ancient Magic Liquid. It had refined their bodies into steel!

Any cultivator who refined the Ancient Magic Liquid would suffer from heavenly fires. However, whether they would survive and be reborn depended on their willpower.

Nevertheless, Austin's soul was so powerful that no matter how much his human body suffered, his mind of Soul Sea remained calm and clear all the time.

About half an hour later, the flames that had been burning throughout Austin's body began to die gradually. Austin sensed that most of the impurities had been removed from his body and that they had been transformed into the black, stinking liquid that was being emitted from his pores.

The liquid dripped from his body. His body continued to release the stinking, black liquid.


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