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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4272

"Sirs, I know you will catch the brat. He will stand no chance if you deal with him in person,"

Winslow said.

"He almost destroyed our sect. Right now, all I want to do is skin him alive and tear the rest of him to pieces!"

At the mention of Austin, a burst of anger so fiery and loud came from Winslow that he had to pace back and forth to let it out.

"When we capture him, he will suffer. I guarantee it,"

a semi-governing god from the Long Sword Sect said, smiling at Winslow.

Winslow nodded. Because this semi-governing god was close to Winslow's level and they normally got along, Winslow believed him.

"I hope so,"

Winslow responded, ceasing his pacing.

"Tell all our men to return to the headquarters.

We need to clean it up,"

Winslow ordered.

In response, the people of the Purple Sword Sect departed for the Purple Divine Mountain without a single complaint.

They had been away for only a while and when they were back,

they saw that Austin hadn't destroyed the place on purpose,

and the people of the Purple Sword Sect didn't have to reconstruct it.

As they arrived at their headquarters,

Austin was flying back to the Red Sword City at full speed.

"Mr. Lin! Mr. Lin! I got the message. We are ready now.

We can leave the Red Sword City whenever you want,"

Garth told Austin through his spiritual sense.

"Okay. Tell them to wait for a while longer. I will come and get them,"

Austin responded.

Changing directions, he headed to the location in the Red Sword City where the people of the Lin Clan were waiting.

Since he had activated the Shadowless Movement, he moved so fast that no one could see him.

It didn't take long for him to reach the gates of the Red Sword City.

Closing his eyes, he released his spiritual sense and discovered that all the members of the Lin Clan were gathered in Garth's residence.

Wasting no time, Austin rushed into the city and burst through the doors of Garth's house. With a wave of his sleeve, he teleported all people of the Lin Clan into one of his human worlds. Then, he left the city, vanishing into thin air.

A second later, the wind howled.

Several beams of light flashed in the sky, announcing the arrival of some powerful figures. They all hovered above the Red Sword City.

It was the governing gods from the Long Sword Sect.

"Damn it! We missed him!

He's far smarter than we thought!"

a very short governing god shouted in a child-like voice, clenching his fists.

It was Rollins. Austin had met him back in the Divine Sword Mountain.

"He's lucky now but when I catch him, he will regret being born!"

Rollins was so angry that his face distorted and reddened.

He lifted his arm and waved his hand, unleashing a powerful sword aura.

It traveled downwards and hit the city below it.


With a thunderous roar, the Red Sword City was cut in half.

"Don't! We have to track him before he gets too far away!"

the leader of the Long Sword Sect ordered.

"We can't let him outsmart us again.

Let's split up,"

an old governing god suggested.

"Good idea."

The leader of the Long Sword Sect nodded in agreement.

Once they had all determined who was going where, the governing gods of the Long Sword Sect set off.

Due to their strong spiritual senses, they were able to detect faint traces of Austin's presence.

But at this point, Austin had already run very far,

and he could sense the governing gods of the Long Sword Sect coming his way.

"Every time I enter the Sword Cosmos, these governing gods always try to catch me. It's so annoying!"

Austin exclaimed, shaking his head.

"But I have the advantage. I'm faster than they are.

I think I should run.

I'm sure I'll have another chance to fight them later!"

Ignoring the anger running through his veins, Austin decided to be realistic.

The governing gods were too powerful to kill without causing a ruckus and inviting more governing gods in this Sword Cosmos.


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