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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4277

"There's no need to guess further.

I've clearly sensed that brat's aura.

There's no mistaking it. He is at the top of the mountain!

We've finally tracked down that arrogant bastard,"

one of the governing gods said with confidence.

"That's right! I've also sensed it. He's hiding at the topmost area."

Soon enough, several governing gods confirmed that Austin was indeed on the Divine Sword Mountain.

"Then, what should we do next?

We've already located him, but we can't just attack him if he really is there.

The five sword spirits of the mountain will be guarding him because they think highly of that brat. I don't think we can do anything even if we get there,"

a governing god remarked as he analyzed the situation.

"We have no other choice. Let's attack the Divine Sword Mountain!

Besides, I've been tolerating those five sword spirits for a long time. I just can't stand them anymore!"

another governing god suddenly opined bluntly.

"What? Attack the Divine Sword Mountain? Are you serious?"

The other governing gods were shocked to their core with the aggressive idea.

After all, it was known to all that the Divine Sword Mountain had a very long and significant history in the Sword Cosmos.

It actually had become the only sacred place for all sword cultivators in the entire cosmos.

It could be said that the Divine Sword Mountain was holy and inviolable in the eyes of everyone who resided in the Sword Cosmos.

Therefore, no one in their right mind would suggest attacking the Divine Sword Mountain. It was unimaginable, especially for ordinary sword cultivators.

If there was anyone who could possibly think about it, only governing gods might dare to.

In fact, in the past, these governing gods had already plotted to attack the Divine Sword Mountain.

However, they still gauged if they could do it or not. They didn't want to take any action and risk everything if they were still quite unsure.

Previously, the Divine Sword Mountain had always been under the control and protection of Master Sword.

It almost seemed like his private territory.

But as time passed by, Master Sword and his five disciples disappeared one after another.

This gave the opportunity for the four major forces to rule the Sword Cosmos.

They all hoped to control the Divine Sword Mountain just as how Master Sword did.

Only by controlling this sacred mountain could they truly received the respect from all the sword cultivators in this universe.

However, up until now, they had miserably failed even after doing every possible means.

First and foremost, they had to deal with the five sword spirits.

However, each of them was a powerful sword master that had the strength of a governing god.

Moreover, if the five of them actually worked together, their fighting power could be so devastating that they could kill several governing gods in the blink of an eye.

"If we're are to attack the Divine Sword Mountain, we need to plan it very carefully. We can't just do it haphazardly,"

a senior governing god finally broke the silence and suggested.

"Humph! As long as we subdue the five sword spirits, we can quickly gain control of the Divine Sword Mountain.

I strongly believe that if we combine all of our skills and power, we can soundly defeat them!"

The governing gods secretly discussed what their plan would be through their spiritual senses.

"Besides, don't you find it absurd?

The five sword spirits have always been indifferent and haughty to us governing gods of the Sword Cosmos.

But when it comes to that brat from the Lower World, they give him special treatment!

The Divine Sword Mountain should only belong to the Sword Cosmos!

Why should an outsider benefit from the resources that one could only get from the sacred mountain?

We are the ones born in this cosmos, but we are treated by the five sword spirits as if we are the outsiders.

If this continues, we don't know what might happen. Perhaps, even the entire Divine Sword Mountain would become that brat's own territory!

We should never let that happen!

We should assert our rights for the Divine Sword Mountain. It is ours!

Only we are the ones qualified to control the sacred mountain.

That pretentious brat should be killed off. His death would serve as a warning to others that would attempt to do the same thing!"

a governing god voiced out with righteous indignation.

"That's right!

This has to end now!"

Several governing gods were fired up and exchanged looks of approval. They had already planned this for a while, and it seemed like this was the right time to execute it.

"It's time to dethrone those five sword spirits. We shall destroy them and claim the sacred mountain!"

"Let's discuss at once on how we can take control of the Divine Sword Mountain."


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