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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4298

In the headquarters of the Wind Sword Sect,

everyone was stricken with panic and fear.

They were all anticipating Austin's troops who were heading for the Wind World and would be arriving soon.

All the members of the Wind Sword Sect were well aware that with their current fighting abilities, they stood no chance against Austin!

"Good news, dear sect leader and elders!

We have just gotten in touch with the Long Sword Sect!

A governing god has just sent a message, asking us to immediately activate the long-distance teleportation array in the headquarters so that the whole army could be teleported here!

There are four governing gods leading them!"

A genuine divine god suddenly rushed into the massive hall where all senior leaders of the Wind Sword Sect had gathered. His exclamation broke the cold silence and the hopeless atmosphere.

"Really?" Immediately,

all the senior leaders of the Wind Sword Sect stood up at the same time. Surprise and hope flashed on their faces.

"Yes! I am certain of it!

Four governing gods of the Long Sword Sect will be coming here in person. The Wind Sword Sect won't have to be fearful of Austin anymore!"

the genuine divine god said excitedly.


That's great!

Thank goodness! I wasn't expecting that such a powerful army would come to support us!

We no longer need to huddle in fear because of that brat Austin!"

the sect leader of the Wind Sword Sect exclaimed with delight and a bit of laughter.

"As long as the four governing gods are on our side,

the Wind Sword Sect will be out of danger!"

"Four governing gods personally coming to the Wind Sword Sect's rescue indicates our great importance to them.

The Long Sword Sect thinks highly of us, and that proves to be beneficial for us, especial during these times!

We are saved! The Wind Sword Sect shall live on and have a bright future!"

All senior leaders celebrated with relief and joy on their faces.

The previously depressed and stifled mood was gone!

It was replaced with an excited yet equally relaxed atmosphere.

"Oh, I almost forgot!

What are you waiting for? Activate the long-distance teleportation array now and welcome the troops from the Long Sword Sect.

Don't mess up our last chance of survival! If we neglect and mistreat the four governing gods, we are surely doomed!"

The sect leader of the Wind Sword Sect suddenly slapped his forehead as he remembered the task at hand.

"You are right, sir!

Let's move to activate the array right now!"

The other senior leaders also calmed down from their early jubilation.

Together with the sect leader, they all rushed to where the teleportation array was located, and activated it.

"Everyone, your attention please! Get ready to welcome the four governing gods of the Long Sword Sect!"

the sect leader announced loudly.

All members lined up in front of the teleportation array and waited for the governing gods to arrive.


It did not take a long while before

the teleportation array started glowing and released a strong spatial energy. It then burst out a blinding light, shaking the entire surroundings. A few members even lost balance and fell.


as the light and energy began to fade out,

an army of warriors stepped out of the array.

With that, the energy surged and a massive terrifying pressure instantly enveloped the entire Wind World.

Everywhere, the living creatures felt a certain tightness pushing down on their chests.

At the same time, four blurry figures slowly walked out of the teleportation array.

The four governing gods from the Long Sword Sect had arrived.

The arrival of any governing god naturally brought some abnormal phenomena to any world he was visiting.

The frightening pressure that the governing gods brought with them seemed to stifle the whole Wind World to the core.


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