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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 430

The Blood Wolf Team had a stronghold located in the Good Fortune Alley, just north to the imperial capital city.

The house was now ablaze with fire, strewn with corpses, accompanied by resounding clashes between weapons. People were dismembered left, right and center by these chaotic flurry of weapons.

Four figures floated in the air above the house.

These were Austin, Abbott and two guardians of the Blood Wolf Team.

All of their cultivation bases were at the Mysterious Realm.

Cultivators of the Mysterious Realm were blessed with the ability to stay and glide briefly in the air by relying on their vital energy.

How long a cultivator could stay or how far he could glide in the air depended on his strength and his ability to utilize his vital energy.

"Austin, you've become too bold! Winning the tournament must have made you too haughty.

Today will be the day you die," Abbott spoke grimly as he stared furiously at Austin, his eyes giving away his murderous intentions.

Suddenly, a violently frenzied vital energy force exerted out of his body.

"Diabolic Wolf Shooting Punch!"

Out of Abbott's fist, a ferocious giant wolf with snarling teeth appeared out of nowhere, surrounded by diabolic auras. As soon as it showed up, it gritted its teeth and rushed toward Austin at great speed, leaving behind his shadow in its untamed speed. Before he could react, it was right in front of Austin.

Just before the wolf stuck its teeth in Austin, Austin gathered his strength and let out a yell of desperation.

Instead of dodging the attack, he threw his hand directly at the diabolic wolf's head. 30, 000 pounds of great force poured out from his fist and Austin didn't hold back one bit of his power.


Austin was thrown behind by more than 100 meters away when he collided with the wolf. His shirt was completely torn apart by the tremendous impact, and the pieces floated like butterflies in the sky, and then gently fell to the ground.

"Huh, looks like 30, 000 pounds is not powerful enough to deal with the attack from a master at the medium stage of Mysterious Realm," Austin observed in hindsight.

Although Austin staggered backwards from the attack, he had not suffered any damage except that there was suddenly a massive surge of blood and energy in his chest.

Since Austin had mastered the fifth stage of Overlord Body-refining Formula and his body had been buttressed by the three drops of Ancient Magic Liquid, his physical strength was much stronger than ordinary people could even imagine. That was why he was largely unhurt.

Abbott gasped in disbelief at what he had seen. He sensed that Austin hadn't even launched his vital energy in the fight, and he was still alive. How Austin was physically able to withstand his Diabolic Wolf Shooting Punch was something Abbott couldn't wrap his head around.

His body was unimaginably tough!

As Austin and Abbott fought, the two guardians of the Blood Wolf Team also went into action mode. Waves of terrible, harmful vital energy shot out of their bodies.

One of the guardians swiftly began playing with his hands, attempting to generate bursts of energy. Soon enough, a huge outburst of energy, several feet high, appeared above Austin's head and smashed right down on him.

Meanwhile, the other guardian's vital energy turned into a vigorous eagle flying high in the sky, and then flew to Austin at full speed with immense momentum.

These two guardians were slightly weaker than Abbott with respect to the cultivation base, but they were as experienced and deadly as Abbott in terms of combat and their use of vital energy. They fought in perfect coordination, one attacking Austin from the front, the other attacking him from behind. Austin had no way to retreat away to safety.

Austin immediately launched five Spiritual Sense Flying Needles with his mind and controlled them as he pinned them straight into the second guardian's Soul Sea.

As a cultivator of the Mysterious Realm, the second guardian also had his own spiritual sense, but in the face of Austin's expert spiritual sense attack, his spiritual sense was as weak as a baby.

Instantly, bursts of unbearable pain shot up all over his Soul Sea.

His weapon that he had just released, the eagle, was affected too. Its speed was reduced and its momentum almost went to nil.

Ample pale, golden vital energy poured out of Austin's feet, wrapping his feet tightly. With his deft use of the vital energy, Austin had escaped the huge outburst of energy above his head. Now that he had taken care of one of the fronts of attack, he went to tackle the eagle that was flying toward him, and then, a swift, formidable fist smashed it to pieces.

The eagle's owner, who had finally recovered from the pain in his Soul Sea, stared at Austin in horror, and roared, "How can this be? How could your spiritual sense be so powerful?"

Under the siege that was laid by the three cultivators of the Mysterious Realm, Austin actually found it fun, and was leisurely fighting them at the same time.


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