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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4309

"Austin's sword skills have certainly improved again!

This guy never fails to surprise us!"

The five sword spirits couldn't help but be amazed at Austin.

They found out that his progress in swordsmanship was much faster than what they had expected.

"When I first met him, I instantly felt that he had a genuine talent for swordsmanship.

But looking at him now. I think that I might have not gauged his full potential. I can say that he is the most talented swordsman that I've ever met in my life!"

the old man in yellow robes said in astonishment.

The other sword spirits nodded in agreement.

"Austin! Take this!"

Suddenly, a deafening noise rang out.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Currently, hundreds of millions of brilliant sword lights filled and flashed on the battlefield, making the fight so difficult to track even for the five sword spirits.

A governing god emerged above Austin's head. His body was fully covered with glowing feathers.

It turned out that these feathers were all formed from the thick sword lights.

As he waved his hand, hundreds of millions of sword lights rained down on Austin.

Their strength was so intense that it seemed like the sky was about to be destroyed.

With his quick reflexes, Austin activated the Shadowless Movement to dodge the upcoming blow.

Austin was careful enough in dealing with these governing gods.

He didn't have the luxury of standing still and taking the hit from these omnipotent beings from the supreme universe.

After all, even he could suffer such massive damage if he was directly hit by their destructive attacks.

"Come forth!"

Austin then opened his mouth, letting out a flying sword.

Clang! Clang!

The loud sounds of metal colliding echoed continuously in the air.

It came from different directions, obviously showing how large-scale the attacks from both sides were.

An angry scream reverberated. Immediately after, it was seen that the governing god, who just attacked Austin, was bleeding on his shoulder.

Apparently, he got stabbed by Austin's flying sword.

The flying sword was initially aimed at his head, but at the crucial moment, the governing god was able to summon an omnipotent skill to redirect the trajectory of the attack. However, he couldn't fully dodge, and the flying sword still slashed his shoulder.

Despite that, it still made him exceedingly furious.

Even though he was able to dodge, he still suffered damage. Moreover, his spiritual soul was almost hit.

This made him realize that the young man was indeed a vicious threat to all of them, and he had the capability of taking their lives if they weren't too careful.

Wasting no time, the governing god quickly took a step back and distanced himself from Austin.

He was so frustrated that the young man was able to instill fear in his heart.

"Ha-ha! What are you doing, old man? Are you trying to run away?" Austin taunted as his black hair fluttered in the air.

He was like an incarnate of a ferocious demon that hunted everyone in his way.

In the face of these mighty governing gods, Austin displayed his magnificent sword skills without reservation.

As he stood there in the air, waves of brilliant sword aura enveloped him.

At the same time, strong sword radiance surged out from every pore of his body.

From afar, one could see Austin as if he was a dazzling sun.

It just showed that he had already reached such tremendous level in swordsmanship.

They couldn't just hit Austin randomly because the sword aura was protecting his entire body.

It meant that relatively weak strikes would just be deflected by the sword aura, rendering them useless. They could never hurt Austin this way.

However, it didn't mean that nothing could cause him damage.

Austin clearly knew that the attacks of these governing gods were extremely devastating. He couldn't take his chance, so he had to dodge them as much as possible.

"If you're not going to attack, then it's my turn!"

Austin suddenly dashed forward.

"Now! Kill him!"

At that moment, all the governing gods around closed in on Austin at their top speed.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

The battle was so fierce that the universe was beginning to collapse.

"This is not good. If this continued, the entire space would crumble!"

Meanwhile, on the Divine Sword Mountain, the five sword spirits furrowed their eyebrows as they worried about the situation.

"We need to activate the defense function of the Divine Sword Mountain immediately!"

the yellow-robed elder shouted.

Then, the five sword spirits made gestures while murmuring indistinct words.

Soon after, a slight shaking could be felt on the mountain.

Mysterious runes continuously emerged and gradually spread in all directions.

Wherever these runes passed by, the space became more solidified.

As the runes moved around, the damaged space was quickly restored to its normal state.


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