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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4336

"Austin, show yourself!" Warner roared furiously.

His voice emanated extreme resentment.

Warner and Emmet had the upper hand in the eye of the cosmos, and they were supposed to be invincible. And with this ongoing battle, they intended to eliminate all the governing gods who were present.

As long as they succeeded with their plan, the Sword Cosmos could finally be theirs.

It meant that they would be the new rulers of the cosmos.

Just thinking about it made them excited.

However, Austin unexpectedly thwarted everything.

"Where are you looking at? I am here."

A faint voice resounded behind Warner.

Before he could even turn around, hundreds of millions of sword lights appeared and rained down on him.

These dazzling sword lights were like shooting stars that were set to destroy their target.

At the same time, there was a flying sword hidden among these sword lights.


The bright flying sword tore through the void and rapidly approached Warner from behind.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

His mind sword also cut Warner from the inside.

"Damn it! Get lost!" Warner snarled.

Under his control, the black sword confronted Austin's flying sword.

At the same time, the overwhelming great cosmos force flew towards Austin, making him feel suffocated as if hundreds of millions of mountains were pressing him down.

'The great cosmos force is indeed very terrifying.

Because of it, the combat power of Warner and Emmet has greatly increased,'

Austin thought as he observed Warner's attack.

Just about then,

about six or seven governing gods suddenly thrust their swords at Warner's back.

Their swords emitted bright lights that illuminated the entire abyss.

Caught off guard, Warner couldn't dodge any of them.

He let out a painful scream as his body was torn apart.

"Humph! You deserve this! You and Emmet have done a lot of evil things in your lifetime. Now, you're going to pay the price with your lives," one of the governing gods said sternly.

The governing gods wore murderous looks on their faces, eager to take down the monstrous duo.

In their minds, it was very clear that they might not get another chance to deal with those two if they failed to kill them now.

Soon after, Warner's spiritual soul appeared a few meters away from the governing gods. "You old bastards! Just wait and see. I'm going to kill you all!" His voice was full of resentment as he saw his current condition.

Immediately after, he performed an omnipotent skill to quickly reorganize his broken body parts.

At the same time, Emmet held on to his red sword to protect Warner's spiritual soul from further harm.

For a powerful semi-governing god like Warner, physical injuries were nothing fatal.

In fact, it would only cost him some blood essence to fully reconstruct his body.

However, he was still much slower than Austin in terms of rebuilding his flesh. That was why he needed Emmet's help while he was regenerating.

For Austin, rebuilding his body was such an easy task, and it wouldn't even cost him that much blood essence and energy.

The main reason was that he had an incredibly strong body.

Because of this, he could rebuild his flesh in an instant.

Even if his body was repeatedly destroyed, he could completely regenerate in the blink of an eye.

Thus, this was actually his advantage over Warner.

"Come on! Finish them!"

The governing gods of the four major forces dashed forward and attacked Emmet altogether.

At that moment, Emmet couldn't move aside because he needed to buy some time until Warner fully recovered.

He needed to resist the governing gods for at least two to four seconds.

"This is my chance! Warner, you're mine!"

Austin fixed his eyes on Warner who was still reorganizing his body.

He then unleashed his Mind Sword Skill continuously.

Since Warner was at a vulnerable state, Austin used this opportunity to attack his spiritual soul.

Additionally, he also unleashed the Puppet Strings.

Countless red strings rushed forward and invaded Warner's spiritual soul, aiming to envelop it.


It's you again, you son of a bitch!"

Warner's spiritual soul hollered in panic as he saw Austin's vicious attack.

Since Austin's spiritual power was enormous, his spiritual attacks could put anyone under great pressure.

Warner knew that he was in trouble, especially because he was in a weakened state.

He couldn't dodge the attack of Austin's Mind Sword Skill because it was invisible.

At the same time, the Puppet Strings were very deadly for the spiritual souls.

"Yes, it's me again. Do you have any complaints?"

Austin said indifferently.

The very next moment,

he suddenly appeared near Warner.


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