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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4350

For Austin, it was beautifully satisfying to enslave both Warner and Emmet. The idea elated him a lot. Now, the first item on his agenda was to learn their secret skills. Since they were his slaves, he knew that they would teach him willingly.

Once they taught him, he would be able to absorb a large amount of great cosmos force in the eye of the cosmos!

So far, almost all the energy Austin had cultivated inside him was the chaotic energy.

Even though the chaotic energy was very powerful, the great cosmos force was a notch stronger.

If he were able to replace the chaotic energy inside him into the great cosmos force, his strength would be improved considerably. It would be like he'd completely upgraded himself.

Austin estimated that mastering the duo's secret skills would enhance his fighting by at least ten times!

"Warner, Emmet, I need something from you,"

Austin said.

Now that they were his slaves, he had no scruples at all when addressing them.

"Master, we will give you everything you want!"

They approached him with great respect.

"I have heard that you two have mastered a special method which allows you to absorb the great cosmos force from the eye of the cosmos.

I want to know if that is true.

And if it is, can I have your secret manual?"

Austin directly asked them for the manual, looking first at Emmet and then at Warner with expectant eyes.

"Yes, master.

We have learnt such a method."

Even though they were his slaves, what Austin was asking about wasn't something trivial. Therefore, there was a moment of hesitation before any of the two answered in affirmative.

This was because the secret method in question was the real reason behind their dominance over the Ethereal World. It had allowed them to live in peace till now and everyone had feared them because of it.

Warner and Emmet hadn't always been this popular. Originally, they were nobodies.

Their lives were miserable and they were often considered losers.

Later, they had inadvertently obtained this special method which allowed them to absorb the great cosmos force into their bodies. After getting their hands on this method, they had come to the Ethereal World so that they could cultivate this skill further and fully master it.

With time, their strength had seen a tremendous increase, and they had shocked the entire Sword World with their power. Pretty soon, the infamous method had allowed them to rise to incredible fame and become villains feared throughout the cosmos.

So this special skill was the sole reason behind their current reputation and status, which made it extremely precious to them.

They valued it as much as their lives and would have been unwilling to pass it to anyone.

In fact, such an idea would have been impossible before today.

As fate would have it, the situation was different now.

Austin was now their master. Their minds and souls were always engaged in the thoughts of Austin's interests. He was their first priority and

meant everything to them.

Therefore, Warner and Emmet didn't hesitate for a long time.

They knew what they had to do next.

With hands tied behind his back, Austin looked at his two slaves, waiting for their reply.

"Of course you can have our secret skill, master.

Everything, including our lives, belong entirely to you!"

Emmet answered in a tone brimming with respect and humbleness.

"I feel the same way, master.

You can have whatever you want from us,"

Warner nodded along.

Despite their momentary hesitation, the duo had agreed to give up their most precious resource for their master. This was all thanks to the Puppet Strings!


Teach me right now!"

Austin was overjoyed.

"Yes, master. But please listen to us first.

It's important that you know this. About half an era ago, the two of us accidentally entered the Absolute Space Sea and found an ancient cave.

Inside, we were thrilled and surprised to find a secret manual. Just one!

Every part of that cave looked extraordinary, and it was evident that the secret manual was no exception.

Unfortunately, the two of us had a falling out at that moment because we both wanted to possess the manual and take it for ourselves. A fierce battle ensued.

It raged on for almost a month, and eventually, the secret manual was torn into half, and each of us got a part.

We agreed to keep it that way so naturally, whatever method we have been practicing till now is incomplete. Each of us only cultivated half the secret skill,"


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