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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4363

Whoosh! Whoosh!

While he was ruthlessly slashing the body of his opponent, Austin also used the secret skill of Puppet Strings. Hundreds of red colored strings were thrown towards the enemy's spiritual soul. His opponent was a governing god from the Blade Cosmos and if this attack succeeded, the results would be incredible.

Just now, Austin had tried to use the Puppet Strings on the old man from the Sword Cosmos, but was interrupted by the joint attack of more than fifty governing gods.

He really wanted to try the Puppet Strings on the governing gods and see what results it would yield.

Like a swarm of millions of arrows, the strings broke through his opponent's defenses into his Soul Sea. Within moments, his Soul Sea was filled with a cloud of red.

"What the hell is that?

Get out of my Soul Sea!"

The governing god furiously yelped in panicked tone.


Sensing danger, his spiritual sense imploded into huge waves inside his Soul Sea, slapping crazily against the red strings to counterattack.

At the same time, numerous magic treasures emerged to protect his spiritual soul. They flew out one by one and tightly enclosed his spiritual soul in the center.

A large number of law runes related to spiritual souls were constantly being created to strengthen the governing god's Soul Sea.

The governing gods who'd attacked Austin today had walked this plane of existence for a long while now. They had learnt various kinds of brilliant secret skills to save their lives.

For any cultivator, the spiritual soul was the core of their being and was extremely precious.

Therefore, every governing god would ensure the highest level of protection for his spiritual soul.

"Blow it away!"

Austin's eyebrows furrowed as he roared fiercely.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was a soft implosion in the air as an endless amount of spiritual soul energy converged over Austin's head and dashed straight towards the Soul Sea of his opponent. Austin was getting furious at the amount of resistance the governing god was putting and therefore, he'd activated a secret skill.

This skill had summoned the spiritual soul energy of more than ten thousand divine gods who were his slaves. The burst of energy seared the space as it rushed towards the governing god with the most terrifying momentum.


The fearsome river of spiritual soul energy forcefully crashed into the Soul Sea of the governing god from the Blade Cosmos.

There was a huge flash as the magic treasures and arrays that were protecting his spiritual soul were bombarded with vast amounts of spiritual soul energy. Unable to withstand so much force, they exploded like fireworks and burst into nothingness.

The collisions between the vast river of spiritual soul energy and the governing god's own defenses had severely damaged his Soul Sea.


The governing god let out a tormented scream.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Austin took the opportunity to activate another round of the Puppet Strings attack. A large number of puppet strings flew towards the governing god once again and wrapped themselves around his spiritual soul. The man was forced to stand still.

Very soon, the spiritual soul of the governing god was blocked, and it was turned into a motionless blood-red mummy.


He struggled miserably but was unable to move.

"Surrender to me!"

Austin laughed maniacally, though his demand sounded rather expectant.

If he could subdue a master at the governing god's level, it would be of great significance to Austin.

But very soon, his opponent made a move that completely surprised Austin.

"You bastard! This is an evil, shameful, and cowardly skill to use! You want to control my spiritual soul? Never!"

The governing god of the Blade Cosmos roared in in fury.

And then came the move that shocked Austin to the core.


There was an earth-shattering explosion, and the governing god's spiritual soul suddenly caught on fire and began to burn like the devil. The flame produced was of such an astonishingly hot temperature that Austin was forced to step back unconsciously.

This method which started with spontaneous self-combustion of the spiritual soul could, in theory, maximize the potential of the spiritual soul.

But only a true governing god would dare to use this skill.

No other creature would ever dare to burn their own spiritual souls.

Such a move was basically suicide!

In an instant, the spiritual soul of the governing god had turned into a throbbing flame.

As a result, the red puppet strings containing it were burnt to ashes.

However, this move was incredibly dangerous for the governing god as well. If his spiritual soul got destroyed in the process, the damage he'd suffer would be catastrophic.


That's no good!"

Austin snorted as he stared at the governing god. Even though the sight was depressing, Austin was in awe of this governing god.

He hadn't expected that the governing god would make such a daring move and ignite his own spiritual soul to burn away the strings.

Now, no matter how much effort he put into it, Austin couldn't subdue the governing god.

The thought of failure destroyed Austin's mood.


He decided that if he couldn't control the governing god, there was no point in the latter's survival. The long sword in Austin's hand slashed towards the spiritual soul of the governing god with a terrifying great cosmos force.


Spare me!"

Though the puppet strings were useless now, the governing god knew he had lost the fight, which had cost him his will to fight as well. He was extremely afraid of Austin now and seeing the long sword whoosh towards him, he let out a terrified scream and fled.

His burning spiritual soul tried its best to escape into the distance.

"Brat, enough!"

The other powerful masters of the Blade Cosmos stepped in and started to attack Austin from all directions.

With their combined attack, an endless blade radiance, rushed towards Austin like a vast ocean.



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