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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4373

"So what? Do I need to be afraid of the Ximen Clan?

Don't even try to threaten me, old man. It won't work on me.

I'm here to destroy the Ximen Clan, and that won't change,"

Austin sneered.

"Stop shooting your mouth off.

Our clan has existed for several eras while you're just a young man. How do you have the audacity to claim that you are going to destroy it?

Go to hell!"

the governing god fired back furiously.

As soon as he finished speaking, an enormous sword appeared in his hand, almost too big for him to wield.

But surprisingly, he moved it with unparalleled speed and momentum as he charged at Austin.

For a moment, the endless bright sword radiance turned all the surrounding space white with a flash, as if millions of stars had exploded at the same time.

However, Austin was quick to react. He swung his long sword, blocking the governing god's attack without much effort.

As the swords collided, the bright sword radiance dimmed down again, revealing the two warriors locked in battle.

"Take this, old man!"

With a complacent smirk on his face, Austin waved his long sword at an astonishing speed and used all kinds of mysterious sword strikes that he had in his arsenal.

At the same time,

he also activated the Mind Sword Skill, the Ultimate Mind Sword Skill, Puppet Strings, and a few other powerful secret skills one after another.

The tremendous great cosmos force gushed out of Austin's body, containing so much pressure that it crushed every inch of the void that it touched.


The governing god was simply speechless. His entire body trembled lightly in a mixture of shock and surprise.

Although he had heard that Austin was very powerful,

he hadn't expected him to be this strong.

He had exerted all his energy and unleashed all his skills from the beginning because he had known that Austin was not easy to deal with.

However, it was only now that he realized that he had still underestimated Austin.

This governing god had the responsibility of guarding the ancestral land, and hence, he rarely went out.

So unlike many of the other governing gods, he had neither battled Austin nor witnessed him battling someone else in person.

Of course, he had heard that Austin had fought against dozens of governing gods on his own and not only survived, but also scared them off.

However, he had taken all those stories with a grain of salt, remaining dubious even as he listened to the other governing gods talk about their firsthand experience fighting against Austin. After all, everyone had the tendency to exaggerate their battles.

And more importantly, he just couldn't believe that a young man who was only a genuine premium-grade divine god could take on dozens of governing gods alone.

In fact, such a feat was unheard of in the entire Sword Cosmos.

But now that he was directly facing Austin, the governing god finally realized that there was a high possibility of all those stories being true; Austin seemed more than capable of taking on dozens of governing gods at once!

Faced with that much power, he of course stepped back in fright.

Now that he had realized the extent of Austin's power, he also knew that his life was in danger. Unfortunately for him, it was too late.

With his Mind Sword Skill, Austin directly pierced the mind sword into the body of the governing god, twisting it wildly and maiming his internal organs.

That was not all. He immediately followed that attack with another one, then another one, bombarding the governing god continuously, leaving him no room to breathe, let alone fight back.

Austin's attacks were powerful enough on their own, but they had been elevated to an amazingly powerful state because of the amount of great cosmos force they contained.

Now that the great cosmos force made up forty percent of the energy in his body,

no matter what kind of secret skill he employed, its power would increase by leaps and bounds.

"Austin, I'll fight you to the death!" the governing god shouted.

Of course, his raised voice was just his attempt to make himself feel more confident. The truth was that he was forced to retreat in the face of Austin's immense power. Shame, which was an unfamiliar feeling for him, filled his heart.

As a governing god, he had always been superior to all living beings.

He had never before been humiliated by anyone, let alone a young man like this.

"Ha, are you sure you can do that?"

Austin asked in a disdainful tone, rubbing salt in the governing god's wounds.

He enjoyed taunting his enemies.

He had barely finished his sentence when the long sword in his hand zoomed across the sky and slashed the governing god's arm, causing it to explode on the spot.

An ear-splitting scream filled the sky as the governing god held the spot on his shoulder where his arm had been slashed off.

Not only was the pain unbearable, but he was also shocked and angry that Austin had dared to do such a thing to him.

And he was even more shocked that Austin had actually managed to injure him in just one strike.

Having spent most of his time in the ancestral land,

he had completely forgotten what it was like to be hurt or wounded.

But to his surprise, he had lost one of his arms right after the fight started.

Austin knew exactly what was going on in his opponent's mind, so he sneered,

"Old man, don't think you're invincible just because you are a governing god.

The governing gods are nothing in front of me."

"Austin, this is the ancestral land of the Ximen Clan that you are offending. The leader of our clan cannot be offended!"

the governing god barked. By now, he knew that there was no way he could defeat Austin in a fair fight, so he was hoping that he could at least intimidate Austin with the reputation of the Ximen Clan.


Did you just say that I can't offend the leader of the Ximen Clan?

I'm sorry, but the Ximen Clan has no leader in my eyes,"


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