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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4379

After stepping into the divine mountain, Austin displayed an amazing speed. His move was so swift that he seemed like a flash of lightning.

At the same time, he also performed the Triple Avatar Skill, instantly creating two more identical versions of himself. Each Austin headed in a particular direction.

"What a brilliant Omnipotent Bodily Skill! We can barely keep up!"

"Well, it turns out that when one cultivates his physical body to the extreme, it's possible to attain such a magnificent omnipotent skill."

The four governing gods of the Xi'men Clan, who were desperately chasing after Austin, couldn't help but be flabbergasted upon seeing this.

Generally speaking, most cultivators would pour their resources and time into cultivating their energy and would normally give less attention to their physical bodies.

This was particularly true for governing gods, as they mainly focused on the cultivation of their energy. Once they had reached the realm of the governing god, their physical bodies and spiritual souls could be completely separated and they would be just fine that way for quite a while.

Moreover, with the aid of their high-level energy and their deep understanding and utilization of all kinds of laws in the universe, these governing gods could reconstruct their bodies even if they were completely vanquished, making them nearly indestructible beings. That was why, naturally, they were more focused on improving their cultivation on all kinds of energy.

However, Austin had a very different path of cultivation since the beginning.

He paid great attention to cultivating his physical body.

Whenever he had the chance to enhance it and take it up a notch, he would immediately seize it.

That was why at present, Austin had fully developed his body to an astonishingly powerful level.

In fact, even if Austin didn't use his energy at all, he could still fight against the governing gods just using the omnipotent skills of his physical body.

Moreover, Austin's physical body was immortal in itself. It was full of remarkable vitality and endless immortal energy. It was also the main reason why his regenerative ability was on a different level. It was way too fast even when compared to governing gods.

For most divine gods, as long as their spiritual souls weren't destroyed, they could still survive. They could be resurrected even if only a part of their spiritual soul was left.

It also meant that their physical bodies had to fully rely on their spiritual souls for them to exist. Therefore, their physical bodies wouldn't be able to exist independently.

However, Austin's physical body was something very special.

His physical body could live and survive even without his spiritual soul.

And this was because he had developed more than a hundred human deities within his body.

These more than a hundred human deities had their independent consciousness, meaning that they could replace Austin's spiritual soul to keep his body alive and working normally forever.

Thus, in Austin's case, even if his spiritual soul was destroyed, but there was still a faint trace of flesh and blood left, his physical body could be instantly resurrected anew.

This was almost the direct opposite of the condition for most divine gods.

The four governing gods of the Xi'men Clan had been living for a long time, so they had seen and heard a lot of things that were beyond others' knowledge. In just a single glance, they could instantly tell that Austin's Omnipotent Bodily Skill was something very rare in various universes.


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