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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4386

"Austin, you have broken into our ancestral land more than once. You have gone too far!"

a governing god of the Xi'men Clan in the ancestral land roared in indignation.

"Don't act like you're a saint! You have ruled the Sword Cosmos for years. You've done more bad things than I have!"

Austin snapped.

It was true―the four major forces in the Sword Cosmos thought highly of themselves as if they were the only people that mattered. It was not a surprise that they always took the extra mile to make other's life miserable. It wasn't enough that they were worshipped and adored―they wanted others to suffer.

However, when they became the receiving end of the harassment, they would take great offense and would carry a grudge.

"Get lost!"

Austin cursed as he brandished his sword at his enemies.

His weapon dazzled brightly, filling the void with light within millions of miles.

Meanwhile, the overwhelming great cosmos force appeared. It transformed into waves and rushed towards them.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The impact was so tremendous that a huge chunk of the void collapsed and disintegrated.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The four governing gods of the Xi'men Clan were thrown away and coughed up blood.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Without wasting time, the three Austins simultaneously dashed towards nearby mountains.

The three mountains glowed and shook vigorously.

To prevent the trio from approaching them, countless arrays were activated. It released a colossal force to neutralize them!

Austin was quick on his feet―he released a vast amount of great cosmos force which broke all the arrays.

In a span of mere seconds, Austin had collected all the treasures on the three mountains.

Then, the three versions of Austin went into another set of mountains.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The powerful figures of the Xi'men Clan had appeared one after another, presenting themselves in the ancestral land.

"You are dead meat, Austin!"

"How dare you do this, you bastard!

Stop this!"

Roars of anger were continuously rang all over.

The governing gods of their clan had arrived. Anger boiled deep within their system, their fists clenched, as they were itching to tear their enemy to shreds.

Not only did their eminent members had appeared, but also the entire main forces of their clan showed up outside the ancestral land. There was a pressure of a raging sea emanating from them―to say that they were angry was an understatement.

"You got a problem with that? Come over here and show me what you've got," Austin challenged as he raised his eyebrows.

His nonchalant tone could be heard in the whole ancestral land.

He was challenging the entire Xi'men Clan!

He acted like he was the one who owned the place. This misplaced domineering attitude irked his enemies further.

For every word Austin said, he ransacked more divine mountains.

"You son of a bitch! Stop this insolence! Now!"

the chief of the Xi'men Clan furiously demanded.

He, along with several masters of his clan, had surrounded Austin.

"Go on! What are you waiting for? Go get this bastard!"

the chief urgently ordered.

He despised Austin to his very core.

Austin broke into the ancestral land of the Xi'men Clan twice, which was a huge humiliation to the clan.

As their chief, he would never let this degradation pass.

If this information got out, this would definitely take a toll on the clan's reputation.

"I don't think anyone in your clan is strong enough to end my life. How are you going to take me down?" Austin scoffed.

He stood there, on a mountain, with his hands clasped behind his back.

Austin spared no time and immediately made his move.

He initiated the attack―he went in first before his enemies could do anything.


Austin flourished his long sword, producing overwhelming sword radiance which slashed forward.

The surging great cosmos force also spread in all directions.

A governing god from the Xi'men clan who was near Austin took the maximum damage.

His arm was cut off, and blood spurted out from the wound like a fountain.

"Ah!" the injured governing god screamed, grimacing in pain.

He was forced to quickly step back.

"You can't escape my grasp!" Austin yelled.

Then, wielding his sword, he created an immense sword aura. It carried such destructive power that even masters like governing gods couldn't resist it.

The strike was concentrated with raw power since a huge percent of his energy was the great cosmos force.


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