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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4391

In just a brief moment, Austin was able to empty dozens of divine mountains in a row.

Just like the previous ones, these divine mountains were full of various kinds of precious treasures.

In the past, the members of the Ximen Clan from different generations did their best to find them and gather all of them into their ancestral land.

But in the blink of an eye, almost all of them fell in Austin's hands.

"I've got to admit, the Ximen Clan deserves to be one of the major forces in the Sword Cosmos. These collections are all excellent!"

Austin uttered with deep satisfaction.

"Austin, stop it! Have you no shame?"

"You disgusting bastard!"

As expected, angry roars were heard from the ancestral coffin of the Ximen Clan when they saw what the young man was doing.

The governing gods were extremely infuriated to see that their sacred land was being robbed and desecrated while they couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Why are we experiencing this punishment?"

Some of the governing gods just shook their heads out of frustration.

"What are we doing? Let's go out and fight that brat!"

One of the governing gods wasn't able to control his anger. He intended to rush out and confront Austin with everything he had.

"Calm down!

We are too inferior to him for the time being. You'll just waste your life if you go out there."

The patriarch of the clan knew exactly how they felt, but he needed to restrain them in order to protect his people.

After all, the most important thing right now was the safety and existence of their clan.

As long as his people could survive this disastrous event and keep their lives, they still had the chance to recover and eventually get their treasures back.

Therefore, the patriarch chose to not risk their lives in fighting Austin.

Besides, they all knew that he was right. They had experienced the might of the young man in person.

Right now, it was impossible for them to defeat Austin even if all the governing gods of the Ximen Clan combined their full strength.

Many of his clansmen had already suffered heavy injuries from the hands of the young man earlier. Thus, they didn't know what might happen if they were forced to fight a losing battle.

As they stayed put inside the ancestral coffin, time passed by quickly.

In just a few moments, Austin had successfully robbed a large number of divine mountains.

All in all, there were more than three hundred divine mountains within the ancestral land of the Ximen Clan.

Currently, Austin had already emptied more than a hundred of these divine mountains.

"This is good! I've gained too much! And there's still a lot more!"

Austin couldn't hide his excitement.

"No! Stop!"

"You greedy bastard!"

As time went by, the voices that could be heard from the ancestral coffin became more miserable. Although they were still fuming in rage, they almost wanted to plead for the young man to stop.

Most of the governing gods were so vexed and looked depressed as well.

"I can't take this anymore! Are we just going to watch him do whatever he wants?"

one of the governing gods shouted in anger.

Boom! Boom!

All of a sudden, violent energy surged like a tidal wave.

It turned out that this governing god couldn't subdue his fury any longer.

Even if he knew that the patriarch was doing this for their own good, he just couldn't accept the fact that their noble clan would face this kind of humiliation.

"I said calm down! This is exactly what he wants!"

The patriarch of the clan did his best to handle the situation.

"Ha-ha! Why are you stopping them? If they want to fight me, then come over here and I'll entertain them!"

Austin burst into laughter as he provoked the governing gods in the ancestral coffin.

At this moment, he was standing on top of a divine mountain.

He had just finished plundering the mountain and was greatly satisfied.

"Well, today's harvest was better than what I initially thought!"

Austin said as he let out a grin that was almost from ear to ear.

However, at the same time, thunder-like noises suddenly filled the area.

As Austin looked at where they were coming from, he noticed that they were from the direction of the ancestral coffin.

In the depths of the void, the ancestral coffin had started to roar and emit terrifying waves of energy.

Then, a loud and stern voice resounded out of nowhere.

"That's enough, you insolent brat! Those are the treasures of the Ximen Clan. No outsider is allowed to have them!"

The reverberating voice was accompanied by an overwhelming power that pervaded the entire space.

Then, the next moment, several mysterious runes spread out in all directions.

They looked like colorful snowflakes, but they contained a deadly aura.

In the blink of an eye, all of the divine mountains in the ancestral land of the Ximen Clan responded and resonated with the mysterious runes.

With this, all of the divine mountains soared up into the sky. They instantly shrank until they became the size of a human fist. And like a swarm of fish, they swiftly rushed towards where the ancestral coffin was.

In just a flash, all the towering divine mountains scattered around disappeared.

At this point, only Austin could be seen standing out there in the empty space, dumbfounded of what had just happened.

'What did they just do?'

Austin furrowed his brows and was at a loss for words.

Up until now, about half of the total number of the divine mountains in the ancestral land was already emptied by Austin.

But then, to his surprise, all the divine mountains suddenly disappeared together with all the treasures they contained.

When the divine mountains flew into the coffin, Austin instantly knew that he had no chance of acquiring the remaining treasures anymore.

"Oh, well.

It's my entire fault. I became too relaxed and thought that I can do this for as long as I want.

I'm sure that if I did it faster, I might have taken almost everything."


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