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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4404

"You are too arrogant for your own good!"

The members of the Flying Immortal Sword Sect shot Austin an angry glare. His audacious statements were too much for their sect to bear. They were surprised and offended. Of course, they were not going to let it slide.

"So what?" Austin shot back. "Your four forces don't deserve respect anyway."

Austin sneered, his mouth twisting in a mocking smile.

Then, he brandished his sword and created a space teleportation channel which led to the Flying Immortal World.

Any prior arrangements made by the Flying Immortal Sword Sect was not enough to stop Austin's advances. With the help of the great cosmos force, the Reincarnation Token's power, and various time and space law energies, he was practically unstoppable.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The void exploded continuously like firecrackers, making the boundless space fragments to radiate.

The channel Austin made extended until the Flying Immortal World.

"This work is remarkable!"

The creatures had already taken notice of Austin's craft―they were greatly impressed.

'I don't think anyone can replicate any work this commendable. Only he could do this,' they thought, thunderstruck.

"Sir! Sir! We have bad news," one of the Flying Immortal World members frantically called out their leader.

"It looks like all the precautions we have built to prevent Austin from coming to us has been futile!

He is now headed for our headquarters!"

This was terrible news, indeed. The members of the Flying Immortal Sword Sect panicked, thinking of ways to prevent Austin from ransacking their place.

The senior members gravely watched Austin create the channel. Their faces darkened in spite.

They were both dumbfounded and infuriated with their enemy's tricks. It seemed like he was invincible.

Seeing that Austin was about to set foot in the Flying Immortal World, the leader of the Flying Immortal Sect took a deep breath.

"Tell everyone to enter the sacred altar," he decisively ordered.

The members of the Flying Immortal Sword Sect immediately headed towards the depths of their headquarters where the sacred altar was located.

In the Sword Cosmos, almost every sect had a sacred altar.

It was regarded as the most important part of a sect.

It was also their true foundation, the very essence of their order.

"Come on!" Austin vehemently screamed as he waved his sword at the Flying Immortal World.

The great cosmos force and the energy of swordsmanship entered his sword.


The void in front of him instantly collapsed and completely exploded. Debris was everywhere and dust filled the sky.

Soon enough, Austin had finally finished his task. He was done creating the space teleportation channel that led straight to the Flying Immortal World.

He took a deep breath, and smugly admired his work. Putting away his sword, he placed his hands behind his back and made his way towards his destination.

In just a single step, Austin had entered the Flying Immortal World. He hovered on the void ominously.

Then, he released his spiritual sense to perceive the entire world.

"Ugh, really? You're going to hide again?

You people terribly disappoint me. For someone who always acts all high and mighty, now you actually act like cowards. Whenever you are faced with danger, your only option is to hide.

Didn't you say you guys were powerful? Then, why can't you just fight me head-on?" Austin shook his head disappointedly.

He frowned when he realized that the members of the Flying Immortal Sword Sect hid in their sacred altar.


Austin really made a space teleportation channel and entered the Flying Immortal World through force."

The commotion Austin made caught the attention of various powerful cultivators from the Sword Cosmos. Ever since then, they closely watched his every move.

They knew Austin was an exceptional individual―they just didn't know how much. Hence, they were still astounded when they realized that he had successfully entered the world.

"This is unbelievable!

Austin can freely enter a powerful force's headquarters like this!"

"There is no force in the Sword Cosmos that can stop Austin now!"

Countless creatures were exchanging amazed compliments to one another.

Once again, Austin's strength had shaken the Sword Cosmos.

"I can't believe it! I never knew that such a genius existed in the Sword Cosmos!

This young man is a threat. I have a gut feeling that we will have a hard time ruling over the Sword Cosmos if we don't take him out for first," a governing god speculated.

He was at the base of the Blade Cosmos' army, carefully studying Austin's movements.


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