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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4412

After the elder took off, Austin just stood there for a while, overwhelmed with gratitude.

Even though he had never met this old man before,

he taught him the brilliant secret skill related to reincarnation.

"Thank you so much, sir!"

Austin yelled at the clouds where the elder was last seen.

Wasting no time, Austin activated his bodily movement skill and headed for the Ethereal World.

He was able to reach his destination in only a moment's notice.

Warner and Emmet walked up to him the instant he showed up.

"Welcome back, master! With you, the Curry Sword Sect will surely rule the entire Sword Cosmos!"

the duo praised in unison.

They knew of what had transpired in the Blade Cosmos' headquarters.

Knowing about their master's victory, they couldn't help but glee in excitement.

"This isn't over yet.

The people of the four major forces and the Blade Cosmos will definitely launch a counterattack against me.

Ask our men to stay on high alert.

If you see anything suspicious, immediately report it to me.

I'm going to cultivate in seclusion in the following days," Austin ordered the two.

He then entered the eye of the Sword Cosmos and began his training.

Austin still needed time to process his recent battles with powerful governing gods of the four major forces and the Blade Cosmos.

He figured that the knowledge he had gained from this would prove to be invaluable to his cultivation.

Plus, he still needed more time to work on the secret skill related to reincarnation that the elder had imparted to him.

After finding a suitable spot in the eye of the Sword Cosmos, he used his omnipotent skill and built a secret room.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As soon as he stepped inside, he immediately performed the recently-learned secret skill. Loud noises filled the empty room. Runes related to reincarnation flooded the surrounding space.

He was able to see many things embedded in these runes.

He saw images of death and destruction. Stars exploded and turned everything near them unto dust and violent storms ripped apart countless of worlds.

But with death and destruction came life. He also saw glimpses of the universe being created before his own eyes.

Legendary beasts such as dragons, phoenixes, turtles, rocs, and white elephants began to fill the premonitions.

Austin couldn't believe what he was seeing. 'I can't believe I can see so many things after I unleashed the secret skill related to reincarnation that elder taught me.'

He saw the never-ending cycle

of the birth and destruction of the universe.

The blinding lightning and ear-splitting sound of thunder made Austin flinch and look away for a second. Every kind of law imaginable evolved as the stars exploded and the universe reformed.

The scene was not for the faint hearted.

"Is this what reincarnation's all about? Destruction and rebirth?"

Austin was lost in thought.

He had already once practiced the law of reincarnation before. Back then, he thought that he already mastered it.

But now he realized that his knowledge was only the tip of the ice berg compared to that of the elder.


Austin's body glowed radiantly while runes danced around the air.


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