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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4414

Besides, Austin had experience with speaking to people who lived in the past.

Previously, Austin met a monk in the supreme universe which was located in the Ninth Evil Valley of the Sea of Chaos.

The monk had called Austin's Reincarnation Token the Number Nine Token and

he had also mentioned the collapse of the road of reincarnation and the eighteen reincarnation guards.

At the end of their meeting, Austin had asked him to impart a reincarnation skill to him and the monk obliged.

The next time Austin met someone from the past was during his stay in the Heaven Beast Valley. He had run into a Taoist priest in the Land of Void.

The Taoist priest had also referred to his Reincarnation Token as the Number Nine Token.

To Austin's great excitement, he had also predicted that Austin might be the key to rebuilding the road of reincarnation and

taught him another reincarnation skill.

As he looked at the old lady in front of him, Austin was reminded of the monk and the Taoist priest and hoped she would treat him the same.


Young man, is that that damn Taoist priest's aura I sense on you?" the old lady asked with a glimmer in her eyes.

Before he could answer, she narrowed her eyes as if she could find the answer within him.

"And there's the old monk's aura too!"

The old woman raised her voice as her eyebrows shot upward dramatically.

"They each taught you a skill,

didn't they?

Tell me, where did you meet them?"

the old woman said emotionally.

"Madam, are you talking about these two secret skills?"

Much to Austin's astonishment, the old woman was familiar with the Taoist priest and the monk he had met. He quickly displayed the two skills they had taught him.

All around them, runes flew into the air and the room was filled with reincarnation energy.

"I was right.

Those are the skills that the old monk and the stupid Taoist priest practiced.

You did meet them!"

the old woman exclaimed.

Now that it was confirmed, Austin took a moment to fill her in on how he had encountered the monk and the Taoist priest.

"I see. You also stumbled upon them.

I thought I caught a whiff of them in this space a while back,"

the old woman said, appearing much calmer than before.

"And the token in your pocket is the Number Nine Token.

Since you possess the Number Nine Token, it means that you are destined to have a connection to the reincarnation race.

In the future, there is a chance that you will participate in the reconstruction of the road of reincarnation,"

the old woman said.

"Madam, may I ask about the road of reincarnation?

Does it really exist?

Was it really destroyed?"

Austin asked quickly, afraid she would scold him for his curiosity.

"Young man, we can't mess with or talk about the road of reincarnation or we will face grave consequences.

One day, you will get your answers; but not now," the old woman answered in warning tone.

Just like the others,

she refused to answer Austin's question.

"Got it.

Madam, since you believe our meeting was fate,

I was wondering if you could teach me a skill,"

Austin requested, despite it being their first time meeting.

Since he had already requested that the monk and the Taoist priest pass on a martial arts skill to him and been successful,

he didn't feel as embarrassed to make his request this time.


Apparently, the old woman had been caught off guard by his question.

"You little rascal..."

A smile was now spreading on her face.

"Now that the old monk and that stupid Taoist priest taught you skills, I will be kind.


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