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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 442

After Austin considered the breadth and depth of his martial training, he decided to start by practicing his sword skills in the thirteen days before the Mysterious Nether World opened. As he had obtained his three masters' three learning notes about the cultivation of sword skills, he decided to learn it carefully and in detail.

The second skill he planned to improve was his Spiritual Sense Flying Needle. As his spiritual sense force became strong enough, he would be able to practice the tricky third stage of the Spiritual Sense Flying Needle.

The third thing he decided upon was that he should store vital energy in the vital energy stone as much as possible. Up to now, it was his most important trump card. The vital energy stone could let Austin recover at any time with the constant stream of vital energy, so he needed not worry about using up all of his vital energy.

... ...

After devising this plan, Austin shut himself in the secret cultivation room and started to carry it out.

First, Austin started to improve his Spiritual Sense Flying Needle to the third stage, the stage that would allow him to simultaneously control and direct as many as ten Spiritual Sense Flying Needles!

Austin sat on his crossed feet, centered himself with one slow breath and turned his awareness inwards.

His mind was stretching into his Soul Sea following the method recorded in the scripture to extract the small amount of his spiritual sense and started to forge it into a Spiritual Sense Flying Needle.

With such an instinctual connection to his spiritual sense force, Austin did all of this as if it were no less natural than breathing.

Two days later, Austin was able to direct ten Spiritual Sense Flying Needles to fly around him in lazy circles. He could now control them as if they were as much an extension of his own will as his ten fingers.

He had not merely learned the third stage and he had mastered it in record time!

Austin heaved a sigh of exhilaration, then drew the Spiritual Sense Flying Needles back into his Soul Sea.

Then, Austin took out his sacred sword to practice his Illusory Swordsmanship. At the same time, he was revising his level one sword potential.

Inside the secret cultivation room, the sword-light flashed and the sword aura roared like a mighty river.

Austin held his sword in one hand and a scroll in the other hand. He sometimes read the scroll carefully, sometimes indulged himself in deep thought and at rare but blessed moments, he successfully learned something new and became excited and giddy with joy.

The three scrolls were gifts from his three masters. Whenever he had a problem when practicing sword skills, he would take out the scrolls and study them. He had learned so much from their papery voices!

Three days later in the secret cultivation room, Austin waved his sword once, and more than sixty sword-lights shot out. The sword light gleamed in the great sword aura like a multitude of stars in the dark sky, resplendent and bright.

Six days later, Austin waved his sword once, more than seventy sword-lights occurred.

Nine days later, Austin waved his sword once, more than ninety sword-lights occurred.

Ten days later, Austin waved his sword once, there were as many as 100 sword-lights!

This meant that Austin's Illusory Swordsmanship, the grade four martial arts skill, had reached the Major Achievement Stage!

His level one sword potential was also well-honed. It was showing its strength to the full extent and burnished bright.

His sword cultivation base had been greatly improved again!

Austin knew that all of his achievements were mainly due to the three scrolls of his three masters. They were like three cultivators who had wonderful sword skills whispering in his ear as he trained.

When Austin walked out of the secret cultivation room, his Illusory Swordsmanship had reached the Major Achievement Stage!

At that moment, Austin's two eyes seemed to have two sharp sword gleams, appearing and disappearing in his eyes. When Austin was staring at a cultivator of a lower level, the cultivator would felt fear as if a sword was close to his throat and his neck tightened at the mere touch of Austin's sharp gaze.

Even his body seemed to emit an aura of something sharp, sword-like and lethal.

Austin gave the impression that he was refulgent with intimidating power once he drew his sword!

And so the thirteen days passed.

The Mysterious Nether World would open soon.

'Who knows what I will experience in the Mysterious Nether World? What can I obtain there?

Or maybe I will find nothing...

I can think of nothing else!'

Even when Austin slept, he dreamed of nothing but the Mysterious Nether World. . . . .

The time came finally that the Mysterious Nether World was open.

And the whole imperial capital city was infected with excitement.

All the cultivators and ordinary people from all different walks of life could talk about was this big event.


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