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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4424

The supreme grandmaster of the Flying Immortal Sword Sect was sincerely begging for peace, so Austin was forced to keep his killing intent under control.

Although he had planned to slaughter them all, it was not his style to do so to a man begging and submitting.

He was not bloodthirsty by nature.

He always followed his heart and trusted his gut when he acted. Thus, he decided to leave the headquarters of the Flying Immortal Sword Sect, feeling he had to do no more here.

"He's left! Austin has left!"

"It worked! The supreme grandmaster even acted so subservient to garner his mercy and plead for peace!"

The entire Sword Cosmos was in an uproar over what they had witnessed.

Countless creatures had seen Austin break into the Flying Immortal Sword Sect's headquarters all on his own, forcing the supreme grandmaster to show himself.

What's more, he'd even given in to Austin and begged for mercy. He declared, without much persuasion, that their sect would shut their doors and stay within their lairs from now on.

This now meant the Flying Immortal Sword Sect, one of the four major forces in the Sword Cosmos, would be out of sight and out of the way, living in their own seclusion.

A major force was basically saying their goodbye to the rest of the universe!

"This is a truly momentous occasion!"

"He's still so young. He's destined to be a legend!"

All the creatures in the Sword Cosmos spoke among themselves about Austin.

They discovered just how much he had been surprising them and turning what they knew of their lives upside down lately.


the governing gods of the Sword Cosmos remained dead silent for a long time, unable to bring themselves to utter a single word.

They could not hide their frustration and annoyance for this wretch bullying their forces and allies.

If they could, they would have killed him already.

But it was far beyond what they were capable of with their strength. This only heightened their frustrations.

He had defeated more than fifty governing gods, as well as a powerful ancient array, with ease.

They cowered in their secret hiding places, keeping a close eye on Austin's every move.

They witnessed the young man's great progress with their own eyes, seeing how he had risen so dramatically in the Sword Cosmos.

And now, he was going to rule it all!

His name, Austin, had shaken the whole cosmos, and it was known to every single creature, both ordinary as well as powerful masters.

He had now left the Flying Immortal Sword Sect and was not actually continuing his journey just yet. Instead, he waltzed through different worlds across the cosmos.

He had at one time been targeted by more than fifty governing gods,

but now, they were all hiding in their homes, not daring to show their faces to him.

It had not been long since they had joined hands to take his life,

but they had failed in their mission and ran like cowards.

The tables had turned, and now they were afraid of him targeting them.

Countless eyes were fixed on Austin.

"What will he do next, I wonder?"

Every creature was thinking the same thing.

"Do you think he'll go on to attack the other three major forces?"

"He'll definitely keep this momentum up and conquer the entire Sword Cosmos!"

The onlookers were discussing what they thought his next move would be, each with their own theories and hopes.

They felt they knew what was coming because just such a thing had already happened. Austin had broken into the headquarters of the four major forces and forced all of them into hiding in their sacred altars or ancestral lands.

"Is Austin on his way?"

The remaining three major forces had gathered all the masters together, their nerves rattled and frayed from fear.

Time passed slowly

as the whole Sword Cosmos fell into an eerie silence.

Austin walked through the void, hands behind his back, one slow step at a time.

Everyone watched him at this moment, wondering where he was going and what he would do.

He had overtaken everyone's lives; he'd become the complete focus of the entire cosmos.

Every single creature was watching!

Finally, his intentions were revealed.


Austin is heading for the headquarters of the Xi'men Clan!"

a creature suddenly screamed, excited to be the first to notice.

The Sword Cosmos erupted once more.

"It seems he really does plan to deal with the remaining three major forces, all in one go! He doesn't even need to rest!"


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