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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4434

"Anyone who gets in my way will die!"

Austin yelled at the top of his lungs.

Unwavering, he charged at his enemies at full speed.

His long sword came down hard on them mercilessly, and in no time, he was pushing back the seven governing gods of the Long Sword Sect.

"Hey! Old man!"

Austin yelled as he rushed towards the supreme grandmaster of the Long Sword Sect with a murderous look.

By this time, his target was done rebuilding his flesh. He was still at a fair distance away.

With his cultivation base, the supreme grandmaster was difficult to kill,

and he also reconstructed his physical body with ease.

But he was still seriously injured.

He could heal the physical injuries, but his spiritual soul was not in a good shape.

Jumping high up in the air, Austin brought down his sword on the injured supreme grandmaster.

The great cosmos force and the energy of the swordsmanship entered his sword which then let out a brilliant glow.

The space around his sword squeaked and twisted.


the supreme grandmaster groaned.

His face turned deathly pale as he staggered backward.

Only a minute ago, he consumed a majority of the original blood essence to increase his strength, but it made no difference.

Austin continued to deal him with severe blows.

The supreme grandmaster was overwhelmed by this man who was far younger than him.

The old man looked straight into his opponent's eyes. He couldn't give up yet, not to this young boy. The two long, thin swords in his hands transformed into a pair of dragons, ready to attack.

Austin sneered.

He called forth two other versions of himself.

The three of them stood in a line, facing the supreme grandmaster.

The Austin on the far left transformed into an unsharpened sword. It rose into the sky slowly, giving off a blinding light and pointed dangerously at the supreme grandmaster.

This was a secret skill of the heaven metal race which enabled him to turn into a magic treasure.

The other two Austins unleashed their bodily movement skills while they simultaneously attacked the supreme grandmaster.

"Damn it!" the supreme grandmaster growled.

His loud cry shook the space around him, and a large part of the sky above them collapsed. He was maddened with rage and embarrassment. There was no other choice but to go all out. He had to admit the truth—Austin was a formidable foe.

But it was no use; nothing could stop the raging monster. The supreme grandmaster succumbed to the ferocious combined attacks of the three Austins.

His divine blood was spilled all over the place. It was ghastly.

"Supreme grandmaster!" the leader and the other six governing gods of the Long Sword Sect shouted.

"He is in trouble! We need to help him!" They dashed towards the supreme grandmaster.

"Yeah, you can fight me all at once. Stop wasting my time!" Austin yelled with a smile.

He was completely carried away by the pleasure of killing.

The three Austins dashed towards the governing gods who were trying to aid the supreme grandmaster.

Loud booms sounded in the space around them.

The terrifying energy and laws emitted from Austin's swords.

One of the Austins cut his enemies in half.

Blood spluttered everywhere and dyed the sky red.

The second Austin transformed into a golden sword and pierced a governing god,

bringing him down in one blow.

Although Austin was greatly outnumbered, he forced the supreme grandmaster and the seven governing gods of the Long Sword Sect to their knees.

"He is way too powerful!

Even the governing gods of the Long Sword Sect can't prevail over him!"

the creatures of the Sword Cosmos exclaimed, impressed by Austin's invincible strength.

After that attack, the three Austins merged into one.

"Take this, old man!" he shouted as he waved his sword at the supreme grandmaster.

The single strike comprised of all kinds of secret skills and energies. One could only imagine how potent the attack could have been.

The supreme grandmaster failed to dodge it and took the brunt of the attack head-on.

Blood splattered in the air.


he screamed, grimacing in pain.

The supreme grandmaster was known to be incredibly powerful,

but unfortunately for him, his opponent was much stronger than him this time.

Fully aware of that, he was now afraid that he might truly end up dead if he continued to fight against Austin.

He had lived long, and he was far more powerful than any ordinary governing god.

If Austin hadn't come to the Sword Cosmos,

he would have been the most powerful cultivator in the cosmos.

The four super forces had ruled over the Sword Cosmos for a very long time; each of them was powerful and had a long history. That was true.

The Long Sword Sect had only become one of the forces which controlled the Sword Cosmos because of this supreme grandmaster.


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