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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4442

By Austin's calculations, Sword Son Curry's injuries should not be completely healed yet.

In this case, it would be too risky for him to enter the mysterious cave.

"Don't worry, Austin.

My wounds are almost healed.

And I owe it all to you. Thank you,"

Sword Son Curry said, looking at Austin with much appreciation.

"Master Curry, are you saying that you have really recovered?

That is great news!

But why do you thank me? I didn't do anything.

I was never involved with the healing of your wounds."

Austin was both pleased and surprised.

"It's because of you that I had the opportunity to safely return to the Sword Cosmos and the Divine Sword Mountain.

I'm a sword cultivator, so the Divine Sword Mountain is the most suitable place for me to recover from my injuries and resume my cultivation.

Moreover, the secret chamber that my master used to cultivate in seclusion was also in the Divine Sword Mountain.

He had left a lot of magic herbs in that secret chamber. They were all good for healing, and they have helped me in a lot of ways.

I've cultivated in seclusion to heal my wounds over the past few months and I have almost completely recovered,"

Sword Son Curry reassured Austin.

"I see. I am still somewhat wary, but I believe you,"

Austin replied.

It turned out that as soon as Sword Son Curry recovered, he planned to enter the mysterious cave to look for his master and four seniors.

"It's so sudden,"

Austin sighed.

In Austin's eyes, Sword Son Curry was like a teacher to him.

He didn't want anything bad happen to Sword Son Curry and swore to protect him at all costs.

"Austin, stop.

I know Sword Son Curry well, and you can't talk him out of the decision he has made,"

the old man in yellow sighed.

"All right.

I wish for your safe return,"

Austin said with a polite nod.

"By the way, where is this mysterious cave that you speak of?"

Austin asked.

"Austin, you must stop asking about that mysterious cave.

You have to remember that the Sea of Chaos and the Sword Cosmos need you.

You can't take that risk. Do you understand?"

Sword Son Curry said immediately. The expression on his face turned serious as he realized what Austin was thinking.

"Okay, I understand."

Austin had no choice but to nod.

"Sirs, I'd love to stay but I'm afraid that I have to leave now."

After speaking, Austin left the Divine Sword Mountain.

"Master Curry, Austin is a good man, but I bet that he will secretly search the location of that mysterious cave,"

the old man in the yellow robe, one of the five sword spirits, said to Sword Son Curry, as soon as Austin left.

"I wouldn't be surprised.

I'm actually sure about that.

He can look all he wants. Even if Austin finds out the mysterious cave, there is no way for him to enter it.

My master has set quite a restriction at the entrance of the cave.

Only my master and his five disciples know how to remove it.

Even with his current strength, Austin doesn't have the ability to break the restriction and enter the mysterious cave.

What I worry about most is that he will insist on entering the cave when he is powerful enough in the future,"

Sword Son Curry said with worry in his voice.

"No one knows what will happen in the future. No one can predict his moves.

However, Austin is a man, blessed with great luck.

You don't have to worry about him.

As a matter of fact, I have confidence in him,"

the old man in yellow said gently to reassure Sword Son Curry.

"I surely hope so,"


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