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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4448

In the distance, Rich was being consumed by hatred and fear at the same time. As he stared at Austin, he was rendered speechless and his face gradually turned pale.

He finally realized that the young man in front of him was actually stronger than him.

Now, it was sinking in his mind that he did a ridiculous thing underestimating the young man from the beginning.

He thought that he could easily take him out on his own.

But after their clash, he was the one cut to pieces by Austin.

Thus, he couldn't accept such a result.

While he was fuming in anger, he also felt so humiliated.

"Impossible! How could this guy possess such terrifying fighting power?!"

"Even Rich seemed so powerless before him!"

The masters of the Blade Cosmos who had just come to the Sword Cosmos were all shocked upon witnessing this battle.

As of this moment, Austin was the center of attention. Everyone's eyes were focused on him and shock was written all over their faces.

For a while, the area was filled with dead silence.

"This is your last warning. Get the hell out of the Sword Cosmos.

Otherwise, you will really suffer some dire consequences."

Austin finally broke the silence by threatening the masters of the Bade Cosmos in an emotionless voice.

"Did you hear that? Get your asses off the Sword Cosmos!"

Warner and Emmet immediately shouted to back up their master's command.

"Get out of the Sword Cosmos!

You don't belong here! We're taking what is rightfully ours!"

The other forces from the Sword Cosmos also roared in unison.

Their killing intent was oozing from their piercing gazes. Just from the ferocious aura that they released, they made the void tremble violently.

"Ha! All of you from the Sword Cosmos are just a bunch of weaklings. It was destined that we take over this place and control each and every one of you.

Austin! Do you think you can reverse this situation alone? Don't be too conceited!

I advise that you don't bite more than you can chew or you'll regret it dearly.

You still have a chance to change your mind and join us. I assure you that you will be given a high rank in the Blade Cosmos!"

One of the governing gods tried to intimidate Austin and convinced him to switch sides.

"Well, I take it that you refuse to leave the Sword Cosmos of your own volition.

In that case, I have no other choice. I'll need to slaughter all of you!"

Austin roared furiously.

"Move! Show these bastards whom they are messing with!"

Austin immediately issued the order for his men to attack the army of the Blade Cosmos.

"Let's go! It's time to teach these scumbags a lesson!"

Warner and Emmet bellowed and led the charge.

As they let out a deafening battle cry, the masters from the Sword Cosmos dashed towards the enemies without hesitation.

For a long time, half of their territory was under the control of the Blade Cosmos. Now was their opportunity to reclaim their territory.

"You dimwits asked for it!

Kill all of them! Don't leave anyone alive!"

At the same time, the white-haired man from the Blade Cosmos issued the command to confront the forces of the Sword Cosmos.

He held one of the highest positions in the army of the Blade Cosmos. Upon hearing his order, the troops of the Blade Cosmos got into their formation and began their assault.

The area was quickly filled with raging battle cries.

It was a war that could shake up the history of both cosmoses.

As the army of both sides rushed towards each other, they seemed like two surging tidal waves that were about to crash.

In the blink of an eye, a fierce battle broke out.

For the creatures of the Sword Cosmos, this battle was personal. They had carried their hatred towards the Blade Cosmos since they had invaded their home.

At this point, they let it all out. They didn't intend to return as the losers of this war.


Give it your all to eliminate these outsiders!"

"Don't hesitate to kill them!"

"They had killed a lot of our people in the past.

Now is the time to avenge them!"

The people of the Sword Cosmos were in high spirits and were fully motivated.

From a neutral standpoint, the overall strength of the Blade Cosmos's army was stronger than the Sword Cosmos's. Every soldier of the Blade Cosmos was highly-trained and had overwhelming power.

However, the determination of the people from the Sword Cosmos was what fueled them to exceed their limits. As soon as the two sides clashed, both of them suffered heavy casualties.

"Hold them off first. I have something in mind,"

Austin communicated with the governing gods of the Sword Cosmos through his spiritual sense.

Then, he suddenly activated his bodily movement skill and dashed towards the headquarters of the army of the Blade Cosmos.

Before taking care of the rest of the governing gods from the Blade Cosmos, Austin wanted to prioritize something, and that was to take control over the teleportation arrays.

The teleportation array played a huge role in the invasion of the Blade Cosmos and how they were able to easily infiltrate the Sword Cosmos.


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