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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4452

"Young man, you are a talented cultivator indeed. Few could have acquired powers such as yours at such an early age.

I don't think all those abilities of yours should go to waste.

I'll give you one chance. I can take you in as my disciple.

You can serve under my command and will get special attention and training from me. If you agree, you have a bright future ahead of you," Donovan offered.

He appreciated Austin's talent.

"What the hell ?!

Our supreme grandmaster wants to take in this brat as his disciple?

How could he be so lucky?"

The eight governing gods of the Blade Cosmos were shaken with jealousy at the offer. A chance to be Donovan's disciple was highly prestigious.

Everyone was aware of Donovan's capabilities and the power that he held.

In addition to the Blade Cosmos, the man was also in charge of two other supreme universes.

Not only was he in charge of three supreme universes already,

but his troops were attacking several other supreme universes as they spoke.

Donovan was a strict and highly choosy person. He seldom accepted disciples into his ranks.

Rumor had it there was only one disciple under him; a girl of immense talents who always kept him company.

But now, in front of their eyes, he was ready to take Austin in as his disciple. Jealousy was natural response to this prestigious offer. Envy was a close second.


You want me to be your disciple?"

Even Austin was surprised. However, that shock on his face immediately resolved into his usual arrogance.

"Thank you, old man.

But I don't think you are qualified to be my master.

Do the smart thing; take your men and leave Sword Cosmos alone.

Otherwise, they won't be able to get out of here alive,"

Austin warned with a defiant sneer.

"Brat, how dare you turn down my offer and threaten me?"

Donovan's eyes began sparking with anger.

"Few people have the balls to refuse me.

Well congratulations!" Donovan said sarcastically, "You have successfully got on my nerves.

I hope you know that there are hundreds of young, talented cultivators all over the universe and many of them die young.

Because sure as the sun is bright, your arrogance will get you killed!"

Donovan stressed every syllable as his gaze fixed itself on Austin.

Few people would have refused his offer like that. Austin's defiance and arrogance had embarrassed him and he had now decided to take him out.

"Old man, I don't think you can take my life.

Stop bluffing. You can't scare me,"

Austin mocked.

However, the instant he finished his sentence, he received a message from Emmet.

"Master, things don't look good. The situation is not in our favor.

The troops of the Blade Cosmos have formed a powerful battle array and are now attacking with all their might.

We are no match for them.

If things go on like this for much longer, I am afraid we'll suffer a heavy loss."

Austin got the bad news through spiritual sense.

Hearing that, he couldn't help furrowing his eyebrows and immediately unleashed his spiritual sense to perceive what was going on outside the headquarters.

He found that Emmet was telling the truth and a fierce battle was raging outside.

A battle which, by the looks of it, was gradually tipping in the opponent's favor.

The army of the Sword Cosmos was at a disadvantage.

The troops of the Blade Cosmos had formed several hundred groups, each of which consisted of ten thousand cultivators. These groups had formed individual battle arrays and then attached them with everyone else's arrays.

Battle arrays formed like this were incredibly powerful.

People were dying every second. The ten thousand blade cultivators in each group had unleashed their full strength, forming a gigantic blade.

This blade had unstoppable potential and power.

Faced with a few hundred of such battle arrays, the cultivators of the Sword Cosmos were losing their ground and forced to gradually step back.

As time went by, an increasing number of creatures from the Sword Cosmos were killed or heavily injured.

Emmet was telling the truth. If things went on for too long, they would suffer heavy casualties.

Moreover, the Blade Cosmos had a larger number of governing gods compared the Sword Cosmos,

and to make things worse, they were more powerful than their counterparts in the Sword Cosmos.

As a result, the governing gods of the Sword Cosmos could barely defend themselves.

It was evident that the Blade Cosmos had the upper hand in this battle.

"Come on, guys!

We are going to conquer the Sword Cosmos!"

"You weaklings. Don't be so foolish. It is in your best interest to surrender right now.


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