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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4464

"Mr. Lin..."

Ellis was agitated and a little anxious.

The other subordinates of Sword Son Curry also looked at Austin with expectant eyes, eager to know where their master was.

"Those are Master Curry's words, not mine.

He doesn't want you to know where he is right now. I believe he has his own good reason for that."

Austin shrugged.


Ellis nodded.

"Since he doesn't want us to know his whereabouts, we won't inquire any further.

But Mr. Lin, can you at least tell us whether he is safe?"

Ellis asked with great concern.

"Master Curry is safe and sound at the moment,"

Austin replied.

Before leaving the Divine Sword Mountain, Sword Son Curry had left a spiritual tablet in the palace Master Sword used to live in the Divine Sword Mountain.

He had also left behind the spiritual tablets of Master Sword and his four senior fellow disciples in the palace.

Austin once checked all six spiritual tablets thoroughly with his spiritual sense.

He had a vague feeling that not only Sword Son Curry, but also Master Sword and his other four disciples were still alive.

From time to time, he could feel a trace of vitality transmitted back through distant space and time.

Although it was very faint, with Austin's current power level, he was able to perceive it.

That was why he was able to answer Ellis' question without the least hesitation.

"That's good to hear,"

Ellis said. The other subordinates of Sword Son Curry breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry. I believe Master Curry will come back to the Sword Cosmos someday,"

Austin said in a comforting tone.

'If I get the chance, I will find him in person,'

he thought to himself.

The mysterious cave in the Sword Cosmos was very likely a part of the road of reincarnation.

Austin was already involved in the whole road of reincarnation thing.

He planned to explore it once he was strong enough.

"Rest assured.

You will see your master again,"

Austin said.


Sword Son Curry's subordinates replied in unison. They didn't bother Austin with more questions.

Soon after, many powerful cultivators from various sects and clans rushed over to greet Austin one after another.

"It's so nice to finally meet you, Mr. Lin!"

"Mr. Lin, welcome back! It is a pleasure to see you again!"

A hundred years ago, the leaders of these powerful sects and clans followed Austin and fought alongside him against the army of the Blade Cosmos.

Even after all these years, the memory of their victory was fresh in the minds of all those who were present in the great battle that had changed the future of the Sword Cosmos.

Just recalling the battle sent shivers down their spines. Austin had single-handedly defeated more than forty governing gods of the army of the Blade Cosmos that day. It was astounding.

Seeing him again brought those memories back, and many more of his supporters rushed to see him.

"Please don't stand on ceremony,"

Austin said amicably, chatting casually with the cultivators from various sects and clans.

His softened attitude flattered the cultivators who had come to see him.

All of a sudden, Austin was approachable,

completely different from his previous image of a tyrant.

Gradually, more and more creatures rushed over to catch a glimpse of him.

Most of them were senior leaders and governing gods.

As if their god had descended, people from all over the Sword Cosmos gathered from different places to pay their respect.

Besides them, countless young creatures hoped to see him, eager to know what the number one cultivator in the Sword Cosmos looked like.

As a result, the entire Sword Cosmos was bustling with joy.

Normally, Austin would snap his finger and disappear from this kind of crowd.

He hated the attention and never encouraged such behavior.

However, when he saw the admiration, awe and eagerness in their eyes, Austin couldn't bear to leave them disappointed. He remained patient and tried his best to be kind to everyone who came to see him.

This was Austin's true nature.

He could be decisive, coldhearted and ruthless to his enemies,

however, to his own people and innocent creatures, he was easy-going and kind.


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