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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4468

"It wasn't Donovan's doing?

Mr. Lin, did you find anything else at all?" one of the masters around Austin asked.

The rest of the masters looked at him, their eyes boring into him with anticipation.

After all, Austin was the strongest cultivator in the Sword Cosmos. These masters had confidence in his abilities and put great trust in his judgment.

There was an image of a certain master that came to Austin's mind.

"I have a suspicion that some master from the Sea of Chaos is responsible,"

he declared after a moment of thought.

"What? That's impossible.

The Sea of Chaos is a small, decrepit place.

I doubt that there would be such a strong master there,"

a master from the Sword Cosmos said.

However, he immediately realized that he was wrong.

It suddenly occurred to him that Austin also came from the Sea of Chaos.

'Could it really be that Austin isn't the only great master in the Sea of Chaos?

How did the once weak Lower World suddenly acquire a good deal of excellent cultivators?'

the masters of the Sword Cosmos thought to themselves as they darted shocked glances at one another.

'This aura is a little familiar. Is it Humphrey who's trying to penetrate through the doors?'

Austin thought, eyebrows lowered in contemplation.

The aura that emanated from each strike at the entryway was terrifyingly familiar to him.

'Just how strong is he now?

Can I handle him on my own with my current strength?'

Austin's face fell into a scowl.

Although he had become very powerful,

he still did not dare underestimate Humphrey.

Humphrey was an old creature that could possess any living creature. He was currently possessing the body of a chaotic sky-devouring beast.

One way or another, Austin knew that the old master's strength must have been quickly improving.

"Don’t fret, Austin.

No matter how strong the intruder is, I'm sure we can deal with him.

We can handle this ourselves—we are much stronger than you imagine,"

the elder in yellow robes abruptly assured Austin through his spiritual sense.


Austin furrowed his brows in confusion.

'What is he trying to say?

Is there something else about the Sword Cosmos I don't know?'

he wondered.

He was certain that he caught a hint of something conspiratorial in the elder's words.

"Sir, is there some other secret that I don't know about the Divine Sword Mountain?"

Austin asked, letting the curiosity get the best of him.

He was suddenly overcome with the feeling that there was more to the Divine Sword Mountain than meet the eye.

In fact, until now, he didn't really know much about the five sword spirits.

He had no idea why the five of them had been guarding the Divine Sword Mountain, never leaving. What exactly was the reason?

Austin had once guessed that the five sword spirits couldn't leave

because they were guardian spirits born in the Divine Sword Mountain and they were a part of the mountain.

However, Sword Son Curry told him that the five sword spirits were not guardian spirits of the Divine Sword Mountain.

He did not know the background of the five sword spirits either and that was the only thing he was certain of.

As a result, Austin still found the five sword spirits as mysterious beings even though he had known them for a long time.

"Ha-ha! Austin, you don't need to know much about the Divine Sword Mountain for the time being.

But rest assured, no matter how powerful the intruder is, it would not end well for him if he continues his attack on the Sword Cosmos.

Every supreme universe has its own advantages.

You don't have to worry about the Sword Cosmos."

The yellow-robed elder's tone was so confident, Austin immediately felt reassured.


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