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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4476

"Don't worry about it. I will take you away if Humphrey finds us here,"

said Austin reassuringly.

"Austin, you should go by yourself. These are troubled times. We need to stay in the Fallen Divine Valley and remain low-key.

Besides, we can also spy on what Humphrey is doing from here. We don't want to come with you and then become a burden for you,"

the sky-devouring dog said earnestly.

"Yes. Master once told us that we'd better not run around aimlessly or our enemies will hunt us down,"

the rabbit added quickly, nodding.

"All right then," Austin said, agreeing to their decision once he had thought it over.

It made sense for them to remain in the Fallen Divine Valley.

Austin then used his bodily movement skill and quietly headed towards the Mountain and Sea Cosmos.

Many entrances to the supreme universe had already appeared in the boundless Sea of Chaos, each leading to a different cosmos like the Ethereal Spirit Cosmos, the Mountain and Sea Cosmos, the Divine Beast Cosmos, and the Sword Cosmos.

However, the entrances and exits of these supreme universes had always been closed.

The supreme universe had been a great temptation to the creatures in the boundless Sea of Chaos since the very beginning. Everyone wanted to settle down and cultivate in the supreme universe.

However, over the years, these creatures had used every method they could think of, but were still unable to enter.

Even the skillful governing gods were at a loss as to what to do with these closed entrances.

Humphrey himself couldn't break through the entrances either.

But he didn't give up. Every once in a while, he would concentrate on one of the gateways lead to the supreme universe and carry out intensive attacks in attempts to bring it down.

As his strength rapidly increased over the years, he began to test his own limits.

He kept trying, hoping to see when he would break through these barriers.

Austin, on the other hand, had his own plans.

Soon enough, he arrived at the entrance of the Mountain and Sea Cosmos. He quickly used his omnipotent skill to conceal his aura after a shaky landing and then, hid himself away.


A tremendous noise echoed throughout the boundless Sea of Chaos.

It was Humphrey trying to break through one of the entrances. As he stood like a dark mountain before the entrance, Humphrey violently waved his fists in the air and continually hit the entrance with an almighty force.

Everyone knew that Humphrey wielded terrible power. His every punch caused the space and time around him to shake violently, and a large area of the void to crack.

The entrance to the Mountain and Sea Cosmos shook violently as he punched it over and over again.

The terrifying impact energy spread out in all directions like a raging wave.

Humphrey's face was now red with rage at his failure as he continued to pummel the entrance of the Mountain and Sea Cosmos.

A number of powerful warriors were paying attention to his actions. Everyone was familiar with what Humphrey was doing, so they weren't surprised at his increasing rage.

"Damn it! Open up right now!"

Humphrey roared deafeningly.

"The entrance to the supreme universe is indeed solid!

Humphrey is known to be invincible but it looks like even he can't break open the entrance!"

Austin murmured, shaking his head.

Humphrey kept up his pounding for quite a while.

But he eventually let out a long shriek before he said furiously, "Let's wait and see!

One day, I will shatter all the doors to these supreme universes into pieces.

And by then, I will be ruling all of these supreme universes!"

Humphrey's arrogant voice could be heard throughout the boundless Sea of Chaos.

His message was loud and clear, penetrating the sky of the Sea of Chaos like a sharp knife. Hundreds of billions of creatures shook with fear.

Everyone knew that Humphrey was cruel, moody, and bloodthirsty. If anything went against his will, he would slaughter people.

As a matter of fact, Humphrey had already slaughtered a number of races and forces in the boundless Sea of Chaos just because something insignificant that they had done had angered him.

All the forces and creatures in the Sea of Chaos were frightened of Humphrey, who was a tyrant.

Color drained from people's faces the moment Humphrey's name was mentioned.

Because of the random, willful slaughter that Humphrey had carried out, the entire Sea of Chaos was enveloped in the gloomy shadow of horror.

"What an ambitious bastard!"

Austin said to himself with a sneer.

Humphrey noticed him just then.


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