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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4481

Despite Austin searching for Stacy ever since she had disappeared,

all he managed to achieve was her trail going cold right at his feet.

Austin's eyes raked over the gates of the Ethereal Spirit Cosmos. Stacy's final trace was right outside of it.

Therefore, it was likely that she had entered the Ethereal Spirit Cosmos.

"This supreme universe is new to me. I don't know how to enter it,"

Austin murmured to himself as he continued to stand outside of the gates.

In the past, when the gates of these supreme universes had appeared in the Sea of Chaos, the word had spread and many creatures had arrived to watch others try and break in.

But now, only a few creatures came to watch the gates of the supreme universes

because everyone had found out that not even the governing gods could enter them.

Coming to watch was a waste of their precious time.

This resulted in the area around the gates becoming desolate. Only a few creatures were lingering here and there.

'Since the gates of the supreme universes are too solid that even Humphrey couldn't break in, I guess I can't either.

I wonder if there is any other way to enter this supreme universe,'

Austin thought to himself.

'Besides, if I get inside, it will be dangerous. The creatures in a supreme universe are generally much stronger than the creatures in the Sea of Chaos.

Oh no! Stacy could be in trouble. It was risky for her to enter this supreme universe. I hope she is safe and sound.'

Shaking his head, Austin sighed deeply. There was no way that he could help Stacy, even if she were in trouble.

Feeling hopeless, he used his bodily movement skill and returned to the location where the three thousand big and small universes used to be.

Once, it had been a large scale universe community, but now it was nothing but ruins.

A while ago, Humphrey had gone on a rampage and destroyed it all on his own.

As he walked through the dusty ruins, sadness washed over Austin. In front of him, numerous fragments of space and time were roaring and rushing.

He could remember how much this place used to bustle, which caused more happy memories to flood into his mind.

He might have been born on the Earth, but this was his real hometown!

"Humphrey, just you wait. I will get my revenge one day!"

Austin threatened through gritted teeth.


Something in the distance was pulling his attention away. He turned and his face immediately changed color. His sharp eyes squinted.

"That looks weird."

Austin strode forward and arrived in a new space.

"What's this? A hidden world? I can't believe I almost didn't see it,"

he murmured to himself.

"This place used to be the location of the Divine Tomb.

Could it be that..."

Austin trailed off, scratching his head. Suddenly, a smile appeared on his face.

"Okay! I'll try to enter!"

Austin closed his eyes and activated his mastered space and time laws. Within moments, he was heading for a secret space ahead of him.

At the same time, he released all kinds of energy and combined them with his body, using it to crush the space and time along the way.

It was like his body had turned into a drill, allowing him to pass through space and time easily.

A few seconds later, he fell onto the ground. Standing up quickly, he exclaimed,


I've entered!"

Austin hurried to look around. He had succeeded in entering the Divine Tomb.

He had thought that it would take him a lot more effort to enter. The surprise of easy entry was welcomed with open arms.

The space was overcast in a strong, malicious aura. From the fog, ferocious beasts emerged slightly and roared in muffled voices.

However, these beasts didn't attack Austin.

Austin had released an aura so powerful that it suppressed all the beasts until they could not move at all.

With a single step, Austin entered the depths of this space.

In an instant, all the malicious aura and the beasts had disappeared.

A clearing opened before him and in it, a huge gray palace floated in the void.

Two huge, malicious beasts were crouching at the gate of the palace, carefully examining Austin with eyes that were as big as stars.


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