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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4483

"It's really no problem.

It was fated to be this way,"

the beast said with a faint smile.

"All right. No more wasting time. You can all enjoy yourselves now."

With that, the beast turned around and walked away.

"What are you waiting for?

Aren't you going to show me around this supreme universe?"

Austin said to his companions with a wide smile.

"Okay. We'll go for a walk,"

Asa answered.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Following Asa, all nine of them including Austin stepped through the chaotic void.

'Just looking around, I can tell that the great cosmos force in this supreme universe is denser and stronger than the great cosmos force in the Sword Cosmos.

I wonder where the eye of the cosmos of this supreme universe is located.

If I can find the eye of the cosmos and cultivate in there for a bit, maybe I can improve my strength to another level,'

Austin thought to himself while walking in the chaotic void and releasing his spiritual sense to examine his surroundings.

All around them were numerous, gigantic stars.

Soon, they arrived at one of them.

The surface of the star was consumed with thick, white clouds. Through the layers of clouds, Austin could see the ground below.

The land was vast with rolling mountains and countless creatures.

"There are so many races here! Look at how busy it is!"

Austin's eyesight was clear so he could already see so much of what was at their feet.

"Hold on.

What kind of race do these creatures belong to?"

Austin asked as a frown scrunched his forehead.

The members of this race were very short and completely green. Compared to humans, their bodies proportioned differently. Their heads were the size of large watermelons, but their trunks and limbs were short and skinny.

In fact, their limbs resembled four, sturdy sticks.

It appeared that it wasn't just their limbs. Their entire bodies seemed to be made of wood. They looked like wooden puppets,

but they exuded strong vitality.

Austin had never seen this race anywhere on his journeys in the Sea of Chaos.

"Does your knowledge feel broader yet?

This race is called the wood puppet race. A big tree is their birthplace. They all grew from it and broke off once they were developed enough.

Don't underestimate this race. They have some special abilities, and their vitality is very persistent. It's difficult to kill them.

Plus, the members of this race are born to have a long lifespan.

Even if they don't cultivate, their lives are not shortened.

In this supreme universe, we call the wood puppet race the everlasting race,"

the gnome explained to Austin, stepping forward from the group.

"So they are wood puppets,"

Austin repeated, feeling satisfied with his hunch.

"The most powerful ability that the wood puppet race possesses is their mind power.

It is the talent of their race,"

Asa said to Austin.

"What? What did you say?

Mind power is a talent of the wood puppet race!"

Austin seemed to be the only one from the group that was overly delighted by this.


There are few wood puppets that aren't good at using mind power.

And it is spectacular. When they use it, their enemies have no way of dodging it.

It takes a lot of thought and skill to defeat one.

In fact, some of the most powerful wood puppets can kill people without anyone seeing them.

That is why, in this supreme universe, the wood puppet race is considered as a super great force.

You must never try to provoke them,"

Asa continued.

'This is great! The wood puppet race excels at using mind power.

Over the years, I haven't made much progress in my cultivation of mind power.

Lucky for me, I've met the wood puppet race. I bet this race can help me improve my cultivation of mind power,'

Austin thought to himself.


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