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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4489

"Austin, are you in the forest?"

The Eight Stone Saints sent Austin a message from where they were, waiting patiently at the edge of the forest.

"Please stay outside for now. I don't want to alert the members of the wood puppet race to our presence,"

Austin replied.

There was a chance that the bodily movement skills of the Eight Stone Saints would cause them to be discovered by the wood puppet race the moment that they entered the forest.

Both Austin and the gnome were talented in the law of space. They were both good at hiding their traces and could move at a very fast speed.

Therefore, as long as they were careful when walking through the forest, they wouldn't be discovered by the wood puppet race.

Austin made use of all kinds of laws, including the law of reincarnation, to isolate the space he was in and stay hidden.

This protected him, even if a governing god were to come walking up beside him.

"All right.

If you need any help, just tell us. We'll come right away,"

Asa said.

While he was walking through the forest, Austin struggled to use his spiritual sense to examine his surroundings.

The law of life present was so brilliant and rich

that it sealed and controlled nearly everything it touched.

"Follow me. I think we are close to finding the maternal tree of the wood puppet race,"

the gnome informed Austin through his spiritual sense.

"That's great!"

Austin shouted, feeling his heart starting to beat faster.

If they could find the maternal tree of the wood puppet race, they would have the chance to learn the secret of the mind power.

Of course, Austin knew that it would not be easy for the maternal tree of the wood puppet race to open up and pass on the secrets of the mind power to him. But he was hopeful.

A few moments passed in silence.

"I found it!"

the gnome exclaimed into Austin's Soul Sea.

"Really? That's great!"

Austin was so excited that

he activated his bodily movement skill and headed straight for the final mark left by the gnome.

It didn't take long until he reached the furthest depths of the forest and caught up with the gnome.

"Austin, this is it."

The gnome appeared on top of the trunk of one of the towering trees.

Austin approached the tree quietly and stood next to the gnome.

"Do you see that tree?"

the gnome asked as he pointed into the distance.

Austin followed the gnome's finger and squinted his eyes.

Eventually, he could make out an open space in the middle of the forest.

The open space was filled with thick, green mist that rolled up into the sky.

Austin closed his eyes and activated his spiritual sense. It didn't work. It seemed like the open space was insulated from all senses.

Only when he got close enough and

looked at it with his eyes could he see the open space.

But, to Austin's surprise, there was nothing in the open space.

"Where is it?"

Austin asked, confused.

"You need to use the law of time and space to explore the open space.

Don't use your spiritual sense because it won't work,"

the gnome explained.


Austin nodded.

He looked back at the open space and extended the law of space and time towards it.

Several minutes passed.


I think I see something happening!"

Austin exclaimed, pointing at the open space and looking at the gnome.

When he glanced back at the open space, an incomparably huge, primitive tree was present.

The old tree had been well hidden. If the gnome hadn't reminded him of what to do, Austin wouldn't have found it.

The tree loomed over them,

reaching into the sky. The highest branches touched the farthest stars!

"Is this tree the maternal tree of the wood puppet race?"

Austin asked, trying to mute his anticipation.


There is an entrance to another space on that tree.

The entrance must lead to another world.


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