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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4496

"That's very straightforward. I like that quality.

It's a deal."

Austin nodded.

The mind power and the law of life were two of the rarest known cultivation methods.

However, members of the wood puppet race were born with a natural aptitude for them.

The maternal tree standing before Austin was the mother of the entire wood puppet race.

If it were possible to get his hands on the secret of the law of life and the mind power from the maternal tree, Austin wasn't going to let this chance go since it would mean a giant leap in his strength levels.

More importantly, cultivating the mind power would give him an advantage while dealing with Humphrey later on.

It was the most effective way he could think of while dealing with such an omnipotent opponent.

"All right, young man. You must hurry up,"

the maternal tree said anxiously.

Whatever was inside the Longevity Valley must carry immense importance for the maternal tree. However, its children had some doubts.

"Mother, do you really think it wise to send this man into the Longevity Valley?

We have been engaged in a battle with the face race for a long time now and yet, we have not found a single opportunity to even enter the valley.

With so many of us unable to do so, this guy might fail as well.

Besides, what you're sending him to find is our holy treasure. We can't let other creatures get their hands on it or even know its existence,"

a governing god of the wood puppet race said to the maternal tree.

"Shut up.

I have already made up my mind.

And since you have been unable to get your hands on the holy treasure for such a long time now, you have lost all rights to doubt me.

From now on, you will all listen and follow this young man's commands and assist him in entering the Longevity Valley. You will do your best to help him and find me the holy treasure,"

the maternal tree impatiently scorned.

"Yes, mother. We got it."

Even though the governing gods had their doubts about Austin, they didn't have the courage to question the maternal tree.

"Well, young man. You mustn't dilly or dally.

I hope our deal can be completed soon,"

the maternal tree urged Austin once more.

It was evident that it had pinned all its hopes on the man.

"All right."

Austin nodded.

"Let's go."

He turned around and walked out.

The eight governing gods looked at each other helplessly before following suit.

Austin and the gnome used their bodily movement skills and left this world behind in a moment. Very soon, they arrived in the dense forest.

His allies also followed him.

"Young man, what's your plan?"

one of them asked.


I don't have any plan, simply because

I don't need any.

I can enter the Longevity Valley directly,"

Austin replied with a calm and composed smile.

"You don't have a plan?"

The governing gods were stunned by Austin's words.

"Young man, you are being too reckless.

Let us remind you once again that the

Longevity Valley is the ancestral land of the face race.

It is heavily guarded by several of their troops.

Over the past years, we have tried every possible means and faced all kinds of hardships to enter the valley and get our holy treasure back. And yet, we were unable to make it through their defenses even once,"

another governing god reminded him.

"That's right.

In fact, after secret missions did not succeed, we also tried an all-out attack on them in the form of wars but were still unsuccessful.

Do you really think you'll be able to enter the valley without a plan?"

a third one asked.

Obviously, they didn't trust Austin.

"Is your ancestral land heavily guarded?

Tell me. How are the defenses in your ancestral land compared to the Longevity Valley?"

Austin asked.

"Yes. Of course our ancestral land is heavily guarded.


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