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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4499

Austin could be merciful or wrathful depending on the situation. Since he had no personal grudges against these faces, and he actually once met a giant face who had saved his life, he now decided against hurting these members of the face race.

"He is too powerful. We are no match for him!

Send someone to fetch the supreme grandmaster!"

exclaimed a semi-governing god.

"Young man, you've gone too far.

You've trespassed into our territory and injured our people.

As we don't have any enmity with you, what is your reason for doing this?"

To everyone's astonishment, a loud, imposing voice suddenly reverberated in the space.

Immediately after, eight huge, aged faces floated out of the door floating in the void.

These eight faces were the governing gods of the face race.

The situation had reached such a stage that they were forced to appear.

"Ha-ha! I've waited for so long for you.

I thought you would huddle up and hide like a turtle forever,"

remarked a governing god from the wood puppet race, with a laugh.

"Humph, we have long suspected that your race is behind all this.

What on earth did you do to trick this young human and convince him to work for you?

Young man, tell us, what did the wood puppet race offer you?

Our clan will double their price as long as you don't work for them anymore,"

a governing god of the face race proposed.

The governing gods of the face race believed that the wood puppet race had bribed this young man with a lot of money. Why else would he risk his life for them?

"Your assumption is correct. The wood puppet race did make a generous offer.

However, your race can't give me the benefits that they promised.

I have no ill-will toward your race.

My purpose is to collect an item from Longevity Valley. I will leave as soon as I get it.

No one will get hurt if you stay out of my way.

Don't force me to be violent,"

Austin explained.

"Humph! The wood puppet race wants to take our race's treasure. How can we agree with that?

Young man, please stay away. This is not a matter that involves you!

Otherwise, don't hold us responsible for the consequences!"

shouted another governing god of the face race.


Does the object belong to your race? I didn't know that."

Austin's eyes widened with astonishment.

The eight governing gods of the wood puppet race had said that the thing in Longevity Valley was their holy treasure.

But now, the face race claimed that it was theirs. One of them must be lying.

"Nonsense! It's our race's treasure. You were brazen enough to steal it from us and refused to return it.

Now, you are insisting that it is yours. How could you say that it's the treasure of your race? Can you be more detestable? Don't try to make black look white, and white look black!"

shouted an enraged governing god of the wood puppet race. He was so furious that the finger he pointed at the face race's governing gods trembled like a twig in a storm.

"How dare you? Your accusations are scandalous and bear no truth. It is clear that your race has conspired to take over our treasure, yet you audaciously accuse us of twisting the truth.

You are an abominable race!"

The governing gods of the face race were passionate in their defense and began to curse.

For a while, both races' governing gods blamed and argued with each other, like a group of quarreling kids. The scene was very chaotic.

The two races had clashed over the object for a long time, and so many large-scale wars had been launched, but they still hadn't settled the dispute.


Austin roared. He was so annoyed by their continuous arguing that he couldn't be patient anymore. His roar, magnified by his energy, shook the whole space violently. The immense energy pressure created instantly shrouded the void.

The governing gods of both races were shocked by Austin's aura and stopped speaking.

"I don't care to which race it belongs.


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