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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4502

"Damn it! The eight supreme grandmasters have been caught! We have no choice but to go back.

Let's go now and save them while there's still time!"

The other divine gods of the face race were full of anger. They wanted to rush up and immediately save the eight governing gods.

These eight governing gods were the top leaders of the face race. Now they were all caught at the same time, and it was a huge loss to the face race.

Without these eight governing gods, the strength of the face race would decrease tremendously, and they would be left weak and vulnerable.

In that case, they would never remain a super force of this supreme universe anymore.

"Ha! Get out of my face!"

Austin suddenly waved his sleeve and a great force swept out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All the members of the face race were forcefully thrown in the air by Austin's attack.

"Alright. Let's go inside now."

With that, Austin quickly approached the portal that was in front of him.

The eight governing gods of the wood puppet race, the gnome, and the Eight Stone Saints were surprised by his abruptness, but they still hurried to follow him.

When they were following Austin, they all just thought about Austin's fighting power just now. Everyone was speechless and was filled with nothing but astonishment.

"Come what may, it's stupid to make an enemy of someone like him.

Not only that, we must do our best to become good friends with him!

And we would even try our absolute best to butter him up and fawn over him!"

The eight members of the wood puppet race were finally able to accept Austin and secretly discussed their next step through their spiritual sense.

"Damn it! They already got in it!"

Behind them, the members of the face race quickly went back on their feet after they were sent pummeling in the air. Then, they rushed up to follow Austin.

Austin hadn't hurt them seriously, so they weren't really harmed. Austin just did that to clear his way and buy himself some time.

"Seal them!"

Austin immediately shouted.

Many chains of the law power flew out from Austin's body. They filled the air like colorful streamers and entangled the members of the face race.

Those who approached them were all sealed and forced to stop there, unable to move at all.

After he dealt with the face race members, Austin walked to the portal in the space.

However, the door was tightly shut.

"Wait, let me open it!"

the gnome said as he stepped forward.

The gnomes were naturally good at the law of space, so he volunteered to open the door.

Besides, there were also many mysterious spatial omnipotent skills known and cultivated only by the gnome race.

So, it was an easy task for the gnome to open a spatial door.


the gnome exclaimed.

With that, the law of space's powerful force suddenly turned into a big hand and directly hit the spatial door.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The door shook violently at the impact.


A moment later, the door finally burst open.

"The Longevity Valley is right inside.

We can finally enter it!"

The eight governing gods of the wood puppet race were extremely excited.

It was known to all that in their attempts to enter the Longevity Valley, they had launched many large-scale wars against the face race.

Every time they fought, both sides suffered great losses. But despite their losses, they were still unable to enter the Longevity Valley.

They hadn't expected that it was so easy this time with Austin's incredible power. Now, they would finally be able to enter the Longevity Valley.

"This young human can conquer a super powerful force all by himself!

He's a superpower all on his own!"

The eight members of the wood puppet race admired Austin more and they were excited at what was about to happen.

"Let's go inside now."

Austin took the lead and finally walked into the entrance.

The eight governing gods of the wood puppet race, the gnome, and the Eight Stone Saints all followed him.


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