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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4508

With every word that Austin spoke, the face got closer to him.

The law chains tightly swaddled Austin, making it more difficult for him to move.

The sensation mimicked the feeling of drowning in a swamp and not being able to move in its murky waters

"Sir, why are you doing this?

Please let me go!"

Austin cried out, a hint of consternation present in his voice.

"Stop talking nonsense. You can't leave unless you hand me that piece of wood,"

the face sneered as his greedy eyes stared fixedly at the piece of wood that Austin was hiding.

Although he had hidden the piece of wood, the face's eyes could still penetrate through everything and was able to see exactly where it was.

"I'm warning you, old man! You're leaving me with no choice but to use brute force with you!"

The more Austin struggled, the more desperate and infuriated he became. His own body weighed down on him, becoming heavier and heavier.

"Oh, really?

I wonder how you'll be able to do that.

Young man, you can't even move. What are you threatening me for?

I advise you to stop struggling and just give me that piece of wood like an obedient little boy you should be,"

the face mocked, rubbing even more salt to the wounds.

'This is not good. I didn't expect to meet such a troublesome being.

How did I even get myself in this irksome situation?

I can't escape now.'

Austin has exhausted all his skills and trump cards he could use to try to break free.

But alas, he found out none of them worked.

As Austin was about to lose all hope, Flora suddenly came to his mind.

"Miss Flora! If you can recognize me, I desperately need your help!" he shouted into the abyss.

With the aid of energy, the billowing sound waves reached deep down to the bottom of the abyss.

Austin gave it a while, but much to his disappointment, there was no response. Not a single sound.

"Hey, brat! Don’t you dare try to play tricks with me!

There is no such a damn thing as Miss Flora at the bottom of the Longevity Valley. Did you really think such a childish trick would scare me?"

the face taunted, grinning smugly.

But then, something unexpected happened all of a sudden.

The ground started shaking.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A loud rumbling was heard from the bottom of the Longevity Valley. A terrifyingly ominous aura erupted all at once as if a horrifying existence had suddenly woken up from a deep slumber.

Both Austin and the face stood there dumbfounded,

as they couldn't quite believe what was happening.

A pink colored ribbon then glided up from the bottom of the abyss.

With the ferocity of a river, the ribbon surged across the sky and rushed towards the face.

"What the hell is this?"

the old face roared, full of panic and terror.

The pink ribbon had struck an intense fear in him.

The face did not dare combat with it at all. He dashed towards the opposite direction, wanting to escape from it instead.

However, the pink ribbon was already determined to catch him. It chased after him at an incredible speed.

The old face howled in terror

as he ran away.


In the end, the face wasn't able to escape from the clutches of the pink ribbon. One strike from it and he instantly exploded into unidentifiable pieces.


Not too far away, the old face regenerated himself, still trembling with fear.

Without saying a single word, he immediately ran away and made his escape.



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